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Isuzu Giga GXR360 Prime Mover Keeps Era Adiku’S Logistics Operation Smooth & Efficient

Isuzu Giga Prime Era Adiku

Isuzu Giga GXR360 Prime Mover had kept Era Adiku Sdn Bhd‘s business running smoothly. 

Era Adiku: Giga GXR360 Prime Mover is a Good Vehicle Choice

Apart from having strategic business processes in place, most of the time a successful logistics business is down to having the right truck with which performance, fuel economy, cab comfort and overall robustness could be depended on.

Fortunately for Era Adiku Sdn Bhd, a transport and logistics company based in Selangor, the company found all these qualities in the heavy-duty Isuzu Giga GXR360 prime mover, the truck it said had kept the company’s business running smoothly.

Annuar Ariffin, Director of Era Adiku, shared: “As a logistics company, the truck we use is very important as we deliver heavy cargo to various parts of the country and we strive to be efficient and on time. The GXR360 prime mover has fulfilled all our requirements and is a very good vehicle choice for our business. Firstly, the sheer power, robustness and durability of the truck keep our day-to-day operations smooth. This truck’s power comes from the high-efficiency 6UZ1-TCC engine that gives excellent output and torque, proven durability and reliability, and is perfect for a variety of applications to meet our needs.”

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五十铃Giga GXR360牵引车

确保Era Adiku物流公司运作顺畅有效


雪兰莪运输与物流公司Era Adiku非常庆幸,因为他们在五十铃 Giga GXR360牵引车上找到了所有可靠卡车应有的特点。该公司表示,这款卡车一直确保公司运作顺利。

Era Adiku董事阿努尔(Annuar Ariffin)分享使用此款卡车的心得时说:“作为物流公司,我们使用的卡车类型非常重要,因为我们要把沉重的货物准时和有效率地运到全国各地,而GXR360牵引车满足了我们的需求。从商业角度看,这是很好的卡车选择,因为它的动力强劲、坚固耐用,能确保公司的日常运作顺畅无阻。GXR360牵引车的动力来自输出率和扭力皆强大的高性能6UZ1-TCC引擎。此外,事实证明此款卡车经久耐用、用途广泛,能满足我们的业务需求…..”



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