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Collaboration Between Shell and FlexBus in Alternative Fuels

Shell and FlixBus have entered into a long-term partnership for the development of alternative fuels for coaches through a Memorandum of Understanding.

Shell Continues its Effort to Make Coacg Fleet Emission-free

It is a strategic partnership with which the companies want to build the infrastructure needed to make the coach fleet emission-free. The two companies want to have at least 50 FlixBus coaches running on bio-LNG by the end of 2024.

The first project under this collaboration focuses on the development and introduction of bio-LNG produced from agricultural residues for the FlixBus coach fleet. In addition the companies invest in the development and supply of other alternative fuels such as HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oils), biofuels, hydrogen and electricity for future-oriented long-distance bus services. “This collaboration is a milestone for more sustainable mobility and making long-distance coach services emission-free”, says Sönke Kleymann, Managing Director of euroShell Deutschland GmbH & Co KG.

“People want to travel and our mission is to make their travels as sustainable as possible by offering smart and green mobility solutions. Together with Shell we will explore the use of alternative fuels. Biogas in particular holds great promise, as it not only significantly reduces CO2 emissions, but also recycles organic waste. Our long-term goal is to become CO2 neutral,” said Fabian Stenger, COO of Flix SE.


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