Government & Legislation News

Companies Qualified for SKDS Encouraged to Apply Immediately

Minister Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali said that SKDS approval letters will be issued promptly, as long as the applications are complete.

SKDS Covers 33 Types of Public Land Transport and Goods

The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) is coordinating appeals from certain transport sectors seeking inclusion in the Subsidised Diesel Control System (SKDS) to be forwarded to the Appeals Committee. Minister Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali stated that the matter would be presented to the Cabinet for consideration.

Immediate approval will be granted for completed applications, covering 33 types of public land transport and goods. Applications can be submitted through the link, and approval letters will be issued promptly, allowing successful transport companies to apply for the fleet card through the same system.

“The application process is easy and fast because the company only needs to fill in limited information, and confirmation can be made immediately through integration with the Road Transport Department (JPJ) system,” said Armizan, as reported by the Bernama News Agency.

He encouraged companies within the 33 categories of public land transport and qualified goods for SKDS to apply immediately. “For approvals obtained before June 30, 2024, transport companies can apply for reimbursement of subsidy expenditure rates using purchase receipts until they receive the fleet cards from selected oil companies,” he said.

According to a Ministry of Finance statement issued on 12 June, refund payments will begin in July 2024 for those registered and approved under SKDS by 30 June. The claim application and reimbursement procedures will be announced later.

Armizan warned that in the event of misuse of the fleet card, KPDN would take strict action, including withdrawing the approval of the vehicle’s fleet card. He also emphasized that all dealers, especially those receiving diesel subsidy facilities through the fleet card, should not raise prices following the setting of the new diesel price.

As of 23 June 2024, a total of 226,957 public transport vehicles and goods, involving 75,541 companies, have been approved for the diesel subsidy under SKDS.

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