Business News

Demerger of Tata Motors CV Business into Separate Listed Company

Demerger of Tata Motors Ltd's CV Business
Demerger of Tata Motors Ltd's CV Business
Following the announcement on 4th March 2024, the Tata Motors Limited (TML) Board has approved a Composite Scheme of Arrangement among TML, TML Commercial Vehicles Limited (TMLCV), Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited (TMPV), and their shareholders under Sections 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Tata Motors Announces Demerger Plan to Create Two Separate Listed Entities

As a part of the Scheme, TML will demerge its Commercial Vehicle undertaking involving the Commercial Vehicle business (all the assets, liabilities and employees relating to the Commercial vehicle business) and all its re...

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