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Donaldson: Fractional Air Filter Improvements Make Your Fleet Whole

Donaldson Fractional Air Filter

Donaldson shares on why spending more upfront on high-quality engine air filters has proven to be a wise investment. 

Donaldson Urges Fleet Operators Invest in Premium Engine Air Filters

“Spending more upfront on high-quality engine air filters has proven to be a wise investment,” says Donaldson Company, Inc, a global leader in providing engine and industrial air, oil and liquid filtration solutions.

When every dollar counts, every fraction matters. And right now, the company says there is perhaps no industry where every dollar counts more than fleet management. Supply chain issues have forced more downtime and fuel costs have also increased. Both eat into profits. Smart operators are looking for every possible way to increase efficiency. Even seemingly small incremental improvements could offset big operational costs elsewhere.

Donaldson points out that these efficiencies are often found in unexpected places. Let’s take air filtration, for example. The company continues that most fleet managers have a general understanding that airflow through an engine impacts fuel economy. But how much analysis is put into that idea? Is it noted and filed away or is there an action item to be tackled? Here’s a better question that cuts right to the core of the issue: If we could improve air filtration efficiency by just a small fraction, how would that efficiency pay off.

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QC车队管理推出DFSK EC35全电动客货车

QC 车队管理私人有限公司近日为马来西亚市场推出了DFSK EC35电动客货车。

该客货车提供两人座和五人座配置,后部通道高度为 1,270 毫米,后门通道宽度为 1,440 毫米。 EC35的载荷为1,090 公斤,与传统汽油或柴油客货车相当,但零排放。

由38.7kWh锂离子电池供电,该全新的客货车标配组合充电系统(CCS)充电连接器。使用直流快速充电器,它可在 35 分钟内从20%充电到80%,从而减少停机时间,路上行驶的时间更长。




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