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Driving an Industry: Developing Sustainable Agricultural Logistics

Industry Developing Agricultural Logistics

From specialist equipment on estates and farms to cold-chain logistics networks, Agriculture is an industry on the move. 

The Complexity of Logistics in Agriculture

When we think of logistics, Agriculture is often overlooked, which is odd, as it is the lifeblood of the country. From the food we eat to the RM 103 billion in exports, Agriculture is an industry that is essential to the economy (7.3 per cent of our GDP) as well as to the millions of people who rely on livestock farmers, crop growers and palm plantation owners for subsistence and income. Add to this the interconnection through processing facilities and factories and finally to either our grocery stores or export markets, it’s clear agriculture is bringing massive value to the country. Movement, which is the heart of all this, is a massive benefit to jobs in the logistics sector. From specialist equipment on estates and farms to cold-chain logistics networks, Agriculture is an industry on the move.

Agriculture is a coverall term for several unique segments, beginning with the import of fertiliser in huge quantities (mostly Ammonium or Potassium derivatives), before being delivered to various ‘growth’ centres and then on to processing plants/mills etc. It is then distributed locally or transported for export. It is a long-chain logistics environment with many component pieces that require specialist knowledge at each stage for efficient operation.

By Michael Hutt

Group Marketing Manager, Kit Loong Commercial Tyre Group

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当我们想到物流时,农业往往是一个被忽视的行业。这很奇怪,因为它是国家的命脉。从我们的食物到 1,030 亿令吉的出口,农业是一个对经济(占我们GDP 的 7.3%)至关重要的行业, 再加上有数以万计的人依赖畜牧业农民、农作物种植者和棕榈种植园主来维持他们的生计和收入。此外,通过加工设施和工厂的相互连接,最终连接到我们的杂货店或出口市场,农业很明显地为国家带来巨大的价值。这一切的核心是移动,而这对物流业的各种工作来说拥有着巨大好处。从庄园和农场的专业设备到冷链物流网络,农业是一个不断“移动”的行业。


马来西亚的主要输出领域包括畜牧场和渔业、水果和蔬菜种植者、稻田、橡胶园和棕榈种植园。棕榈占农业生产的大部分,全球每十公斤油脂中就有一公斤是马来西亚棕榈油。仅仅只是棕榈产业就值 730 亿令吉,覆盖全国约 5,870,000 公顷的土地。再加上价值约 587 亿令吉、占地约 1,098,000 公顷的橡胶生产,您就可看到我国的景观和财务状况有多依赖农业部门。除此之外,我们生产的家禽足以满足国内 98.2% 的需求,而白米则足以应付本地 63% 的消费需求……


集团行销经理 迈克●赫德 (Michael Hutt) 撰文


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