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Hino Malaysia’s New 3S Centre in East Coast

Hino Malaysia 3S Centre

Sumai Engineering has recently upgraded from 2S service centre to 3S centre to offer better services to its customers.

Sumai Engineering Becomes the First Hino 3S centre in Teregganu

A Hino Motors Sales (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd authorised dealer in Kuala Teregganu recently upgraded its 2S (Service and Spare-parts) service centre to 3S (Sales, Service and Spare-parts) with the aim of ‘reaping a multitude of benefits’ for its customers.

Strategically located in Kawasan Perindustrian Chendering, an industrial hub in Kuala Terengganu where many major warehouses and factories run their operation, the new Hino 3S centre, operated by Sumai Engineering Sdn Bhd, officially opened its doors in September.

With the new look and feel, the opening of the 1,404-square feet new Hino 3S centre was officiated by the board of directors from both companies, Hino Malaysia and Sumai Engineering, along with Guest of Honour Tuan Haji Ahmad Amzad Hashim, Member of Parliament Kuala Terengganu, and other guests.

Besides displaying truck models, the new and spacious 3S centre operates as a one-stop centre for customers, from the time the truck is sold and throughout its maintenance life span. The centre has 10 service bays and a lounge with refreshments and free Wi-Fi for customers waiting for their trucks to be serviced.

“Total Support is Hino’s original unique concept where we place emphasis on ‘Caring for our Customers’ Business’ and aim to contribute to their business needs and success throughout the lifetime of our products. Total Support also conveys a continuous building of trust to become a true partner for our esteemed customers,” said Atsushi Uchiyama, the Managing Director of Hino Malaysia.

According to him, the innovation in business strategy was more than product sales; what was equally important was the fortitude of the organisation and the support given to the ‘valued customer’.

“Creating an innovative system not only requires the improvement of product sales but also to provide quality services to our customers. A great customer experience comes from providing excellence at every stage, meaning the best total support. We at Hino always aim to contribute and deliver the best to our customers’ businesses. Providing the best total support is, therefore, of utmost importance for our company and brand,” he added.

Meanwhile, in his speech, Tuan Hj Wan Mahyuddin Wan Sulaiman, Chairman of Sumai Engineering, said Hino trucks were in high demand. Many customers were said to have confidence in Hino QDR – Quality, Durability and Reliability – that had been proven ‘for ages’. Leveraging on this high demand, the company successfully penetrated the Peninsular Malaysia market, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei.

“We are proud that Hino has upgraded our centre from 2S to 3S, which makes Sumai Engineering the first Hino 3S centre in Terengganu. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our valued customers and Hino family members for their support.

“To accommodate our business run, Hino initially appointed Sumai Engineering as a 2S (Services and Spare-parts) centre and with the support of our valued customers and Hino family members, Sumai Engineering now starts as the first Hino 3S centre in Terengganu,” he added.

Hino Malaysia to-date has 37 3S centres throughout the country that conform to the company’s new standard and corporate image.


日野汽车销售(马来西亚)私人有限公司瓜拉登嘉楼授权经销商,近日将其2S(服务及备件)服务中心升级为3S(销售、服務及备件 ),旨在爲其客戶提供利益。

此全新的3S 中心座落在瓜拉登嘉樓极具战略性的工业中心– Chendering工業區,有许多主要的仓库和工厂。 它由Sumai 工程私人有限公司负责经营,并已经在9月间正式营业。

马来西亚日野和Sumai工程两家公司的董事,瓜拉登嘉楼国会议员端哈芝阿曼阿姆扎(Tuan Haji Ahmad Amzad Hashim),以及其他嘉宾为这家拥有新面貌和感觉的全新3S 中心主持开幕仪式。

这家新且宽敞的3S 中心,除了展示各种各样的卡车外, 也提供一条龙服务,从卡车销售到维修。它拥有10个装配间和一个配备免费Wi-Fi的休息室,让客户舒适等候他们送修的车辆。

“全方位支援是日野最原始独特的概念,着重于‘关怀我们客户的业务’,在我们产品的整个使用寿命期间为他们的业务需求和成功作出贡献。全方位支援也传递一个持续的信任,成为客户的真正伙伴。” 马来西亚日野董事经理内山厚志(Atsushi Uchiyama)表示。



与此同时,Sumai 工程总裁端哈芝旺马尤丁(Tuan Hj Wan Mahyuddin Wan Sulaiman ) 在其致词中说,日野卡车的需求高。据悉,许多客户都对日野多年来已获证实的QDR – 品质(Quality) 、耐用性(Durability)及可靠性( Reliability)充满信心。 该公司凭借着该高需求,成功渗透马来西亚半岛、沙巴、砂劳越及汶莱市场。

“日野将我们的2S 中心升级至3S 中心,使Sumai 工程成为瓜拉登嘉楼的第一家日野3S 中心,使我们深感自豪。我们也借此机会谢谢我们尊贵的客户和日野家庭成员的支持。日野一开始委任Sumai 工程为2S中心,在客户和日野家庭成员的支持下,如今Sumai工程将成为登嘉楼的日野3S中心。”他补充。


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