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Hong Seng Group Opens New Branch in Kuching

Hong Seng Group Kuching

With this new branch, Hong Seng Group could stay closer to the market and allow the company to better serve its customers.

Hong Seng Now Has a New Branch in Kuching

Hong Seng Group held an official opening ceremony for its new branch in Kuching on 9th October, 2018.

Held at Wisma Ngee Hong, the head office of HS Ngee Hong Assembly Sdn Bhd, the event was well attended by invited guests and the media. These included Logistics and mining companies in Sarawak, users and potential users of XCMG Hanvan, Hohan prime movers, LGMG mining trucks and Baoli forklifts, and Pan Borneo contractors and sub-contractors who had bought Hohan dump trucks.

The Group foresees the Sarawak’s logistics industry to be fast growing. Therefore, with the new branch in Kuching, HS Ngee Hong would focus on this particular sector, offering its wide range of products from middle range Hohan prime movers to high end XCMG prime movers. With this new branch, the Group says it could stay closer to the market and allow the company to better serve its customers.

Strategically located at the 15th mile along Jalan Kuching–Serian, a main road that links the Pan Borneo Highway from Kuching to Miri, the new branch enjoys great visibility and good access. With an average of at least 60 heavy trucks passing by on weekdays, the Group believes that this would definitely help to boost the business opportunity.



此开幕仪式在HS Ngee Hong装配私人有限公司总公司的Ngee Hong大厦隆重举行,热闹非常。受邀的有媒体和嘉宾, 包括砂劳越的物流及矿业公司、用户及徐工集团汉风(XCMG Hanvan)、豪瀚(Hohan)牵引车、临工集团(LGMG)矿车及凯傲宝骊叉车的用户和潜在用户、购买豪瀚自卸卡车的泛婆罗洲承包商和分包商等。

该集团预见砂劳越的物流业将会迅速增长。因此,它的古晋分行HS Ngee Hong将注重力集中在这个特定领域,提供其广泛的产品系列,从中端豪瀚牵引车到高端徐工集团的牵引车。据该集团表示,有了这家新分行,他们也就能更接近市场和为客户提供更好的服务。

这家新分行位于Kuching – Serian15里路 ,一条衔接古晋到美里泛婆罗洲高速公路的主干道,可见度良好且进出方便。再加上平日平均有至少60辆重卡路经此地,该集团相信这有助于促进商机。

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