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Isuzu Giga GXR360 with Multi Leaf Springs Offers Greater Payload

Isuzu Giga GXR360 Multi Leaf Springs

The new Isuzu Giga GXR360 is now equipped with multi leaf springs for the front and rear suspension to provide improved support for the chassis weight.  

Isuzu Giga GXR360 Delivers Greater Efficiency and Higher Productivity

Isuzu Malaysia has upped the ante on its Giga range of trucks with the recent offering of an enhanced variant, the Isuzu Giga GXR360, which is now equipped with multi leaf springs for the front and rear suspension to provide improved support for the chassis weight.

With the front suspension, the multi leaf springs come with double acting telescopic shock absorbers with stabiliser. In addition to assisting the truck’s suspension by offering greater support, it gives the driver a much smoother ride by absorbing the vibrations from uneven roads when encountering potholes and bumps.

Atsunori Murata, COO of Isuzu Malaysia Sdn Bhd, shared: “The Giga GXR360 delivers greater efficiency and quality performance for higher productivity. The multi leaf springs in the truck offer a huge amount of support for the wheels, axles and vehicle chassis, and are essential for supporting the suspension. This truck is the ideal choice when there is a need for greater load weight, offering flexibility for our customers whenever they need to scale up their business.”

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五十铃推出崭新增强型Giga GXR360卡车以承载更大的重量


马来西亚五十铃为Giga系列扩大车款,推出崭新增强型五十铃 Giga GXR360卡车。全新车款将在前后悬架系统配备多片钢板弹簧弹性元件,以此改善对底盘重量的支撑力度。


马来西亚五十铃私人有限公司首席运营长村田笃纪(Atsunori Murata)表示:“Giga GXR360卡车的效率更高,表现更卓越,因此,它可以提高生产效率。该卡车配备的多片钢板弹簧为车轮、车轴和底盘提供巨大的支撑力,对于支撑悬架至关重要。若需要承载更大的重量时,这款卡车便是理想的选择。不管客户什么时候想扩大业务规模,它一定会成为他们的好帮手……”


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