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Isuzu Malaysia Announces First Medium- & Heavy-Duty Truck Dealership in Sabah

Isuzu Malaysia Truck Dealership

Isuzu Malaysia Sdn Bhd has named Universal Motor Sdn Bhd its first medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) truck dealership in Sabah.

Isuzu Malaysia Now Has 12 MHD Dearlerships

With this latest MHD dealership, Isuzu Malaysia now has 12 MHD dealerships with 10 of them located in various states in Peninsular Malaysia and one in Sarawak.

“We are extremely excited for Universal Motor becoming our first Isuzu Malaysia’s MHD truck dealership in Sabah to stamp our commitment to expand our MHD customer reach in East Malaysia as well as strengthen our after-sale services and maximise our customers’ satisfaction and trust in us,” Shunsuke Okazoe, Chief Executive Officer, Isuzu Malaysia said.

Located in Kota Kinabalu, the MHD dealership covers roughly 3.5 acres in total size area. It has 20 service bays with seven bays for light commercial vehicles known as D-Max’, 10 bays for light-duty trucks and three new bays specifically for medium-, heavy-duty trucks and prime-movers. Equipped with Isuzu’s latest diagnostic tools and spare-parts to detect or repair any issues, the service centre is handled by a team of skilled technicians.

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马来西亚五十铃私人有限公司委任宇宙车行私人有限公司(Universal Motor Sdn Bhd)为该公司在沙巴的第一家中重型卡车(MHD)代理商。


马来西亚五十铃首席执行长冈添俊介(Shunsuke Okazoe)表示:“宇宙车行成为我们在沙巴的第一家马来西亚五十铃中重型卡车代理商,使我们感到非常高兴。它是我们致力扩大东马中重型卡车业务版图,加强售后服务,大幅度提高客户对我们的满意度和信任的最佳证明。”

全新的中重型卡车代理商座落在亚庇,它拥有20个维修车间,其中7个用于维修D-Max轻型商用车 、10个用于轻型卡车、3个专门用于中型卡车、重型卡车及牵引车。维修车间的总面积约3.5英亩。 其车间配备五十铃最新的诊断工具和零部件,由经验丰富的维修员负责检测、维修和处理各种疑难杂症…….


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