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Isuzu Received Highest Score in Supplier Engagement Rating

Isuzu Highest Supplier Rating

Isuzu Motors awarded a position on the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard, as it earned the highest score in the 2021 Supplier Engagement Rating from CDP.

Isuzu Selected for the Leaderboard in Two Consecutive Years

CDP assessed more than 13,000 companies, and over 500 companies, including 105 Japanese companies were recognised as a Leaderboard. Companies and organisations are assessed based on their supplier engagements in four categories of governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement. Isuzu has been included in the Leaderboard as CDP highly rated the company’s initiatives in reducing CO2 emissions throughout the product lifecycle from manufacturing to disposal, managing climate change risks and making efforts to foster supplier engagement.

Isuzu announced the “Isuzu Environmental Vision 2050” in May 2020, an Isuzu Group roadmap for addressing global environmental issues over the long term and securing a prosperous and sustainable society by the year 2050. Isuzu also has set its primary focuses on enhancing the management from ESG (Environment, Society, and Governance) perspectives as addressed in the Mid-Term Business Plan 2024, which was announced in May 2021. Isuzu continues to make a conscious effort and integrate ESG considerations into daily business activities. By doing so, Isuzu strive to realise a sustainable future society and contribute to supporting transportation that enriches people’s lives.

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