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Johor Trucking Association Holds 16th Committee Inauguration Dinner

Johor Trucking Association

The Johor Trucking Association (JTA) hosted its 16th Committee Inauguration Dinner at Restaurant Loon Sing Taman Daya in Johor Bahru on 30th April, 2022.

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The event was well attended by VVIPs who included Dr Wong Shaw Voon, Professor & Head of Vehicle Engineering Research Cluster, University Putra Malaysia; Wong Yau Duenn, Director, Road Safety Division, Road Transport Department of Malaysia; and Andrew Chen Kah Eng, State Assemblyman Stulang, Johor, DAP. Also present were Dato Ng Koong Sinn, President, Malaysia Trucking Federation; Hing Hang Foo, Honorary President; Anthony Tan Boon Siong, Advisor; Chong Chee Hua, Lawyer Advisor, Johor Trucking Association (JTA), and sponsors and guests.

In his welcoming speech, JTA President Novan Hing said there were significant changes in the way businesses were operated since the Covid- 19 pandemic. It was no exception in the logistics and transport industry. These changes were possible because of technology adoption.

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2022 年 4 月 30 日,柔佛罗厘同业公(JTA) 假新山隆盛佛跳墙大酒家(福林园)举办了第 16 届理事就职典礼晚宴。

出席此次活动的贵宾有马来西亚博特拉大学教授兼车辆工程研究集群负责人黄绍文博士、马来西亚陆路交通部道路安全部总监 Wong Yau Duenn和民主行动党柔佛州士都兰州议员曾笳恩。其他与会者包括马来西亚罗厘同业公会名誉会长王汉波、总会长拿督黄冠燊、柔佛罗厘同业公会顾问陈文雄、柔佛罗厘同业公会法律顾问钟志华、赞助商和嘉宾。



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