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PMLOA Announces New Office Bearers

PMLOA Office Bearers

The main highlight of PMLOA‘s AGM was the election of the new committee for 2019-2021.

PMLOA Holds 2019 AGM

Pan-Malaysia Lorry Owners’ Association (PMLOA) recently held its annual general meeting (AGM) on 13th April, 2019 in Seremban. The main highlight was the election of the new committee for 2019-2021. Below is the list of new office bearers:

President:  Dato Ng Koong Sin

Deputy President: Ng Yoon Kin

Vice President: Dr. Poh Chye Eng, Lee Hung Yang, Novan Hing Choon Yek

Secretary General: Alvin Loke

Assistant Secretary General: Richard Lim

Treasurer: Lee Chean Seng

Assistant Treasurer: Ong Hock Heng

Auditors: Angeline Leon, Jason Chong

Committee Members: Ng Kheng Kim, Dayanan Looe Lian Hoe, Lee Get Cheong, Datuk Chah Kok Hua, Tan Chong Wah, Max Heng, Lau Sai Hoong, Cheng Siak Hor, Leow Hock Tiap, Cheok Tuan Lim, Chai Pei Yoon, Loh Hai Yin, Lim Kiat Ho and Yew Choo Kem

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