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Truckquip Launches TQ Alpha A-Series Body and Handover

Truckquip TQ Alpha A-Series

Truckquip Sdn Bhd recently handed over two units of TQ Alpha A-Series Body for ambulance vehicles to its customer. 

Truckquip Ventures into Ambulance Market

Truckquip Sdn Bhd (TQ), a subsidiary of Tan Chong Holding Berhad, recently launched its TQ Alpha A-Series Body for ambulance vehicles at its premises in Seri Kembangan, Selangor. The company also handed over two units of the TQ Alpha A-Series Body to customers.

“We started evaluating the ambulance market in late 2021 amid the pandemic and decided to venture into the ambulance conversion market. The rationale behind this is not so much on making profit but to give back to society and we see the need to play a role in supporting the emergency pre-hospital medical care service. In collaboration with several local players, including First Ambulance Services, Elite Emergency Ambulance Services and Smart Medic Ambulance Services, in early 2020, we have produced the pilot batch of TQ Alpha A-Series products that we showcase here,” said Say Teck Ming, Head of Trucks Group, General Management…..

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Truckquip TQ Alpha A车身系列发布会和移交

陈唱控股有限公司子公司 Truckquip 私人有限公司 (TQ) 近日在其位于雪兰莪州史里肯邦安的公司场地,推出了用于救护车的 TQ Alpha A 车身系列。该公司还向客户交付了两台 TQ Alpha A 车身。

卡车集团综合管理负责人谢德明表示:“我们在2021年底大流行期间开始评估救护车市场,并决定进军救护车改装市场。这背后的理由不仅为了盈利,更多是为了回馈社会,我们看到了公司在支持紧急院前医疗服务方面发挥作用的必要。2020年初,我们与第一救护车服务(First Ambulance Services)、Elite紧急救护车服务和Smart Medic救护车服务在内的多家本地企业合作,生产了我们在这里展示的TQ Alpha A系列的试点产品…..。”


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