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MAARA Holds Annual Dinner

MAARA Annual Dinner

The Malaysia Automotive Recyclers Association (MAARA) has successfully held its annual dinner after two year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  

MAARA Annual Dinner Attracts Over 1,000 Guests

The last annual dinner that MAARA had was in 2019.

This year’s gala dinner marked the 14th anniversary of MAARA, and was well attended by more than 1,000 guests, which comprises of not only its members but also representatives from government and its agencies, other associations and NGOs. MAARA hopes to bring the associations, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and government agencies closer together for better collaboration and communication in sustaining the automotive industry and helping the community.

Dato’ Dr. Zuraidi Ishak, Director-General of the Community Communications Department (J-KOM) was the guest of honour of the event.  According to MAARA, J-KOM plays crucial parts in community communication and championing the nation’s agenda of sustainable development growth.

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今年的晚宴正好迎来该公会成立14周年。出席的嘉宾超过 1,000人,除了会员,还包括来自政府机构、其他公会和非政府组织代表。马来西亚自动车再循环公会希望将公会、非政府组织 (NGO)及政府机构更紧密地联系在一起,以便在维持汽车行业和帮助社区方面取得更好的协作和沟通。

社区传播局(J-KOM)总干事拿督祖莱迪依萨(Zuraidi Ishak)博士是此次活动的主宾。据马来西亚自动车再循环公会表示,社区传播局在社区交流和支持国家可持续发展增长议程方面发挥着关键作用…..


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