Page 61 - TBN-2014-2
P. 61
该公司在搅拌部安装了第6台的Banbury混 炼机,为顺行Rubtek技术橡胶系列加添了 一个生产线。据顺行营销主任戴祺胜表 示,该公司有意将技术橡胶的营业额从 25%提高到35%。他们也计划在明年与原来 库存抗氧化剂的地方安装多1台Banbury。
其他的投资计划包括更换化学复合物单 位,也就是增添自动称重机、实验室 的装修和有效改善磨具库存的地方。另 外,该公司也在进行着预计于今年第三 季推介的新Supercool产品的筹备工作。
另外,还有许多改变和改善工厂环境的工 作。作为节省能源计划的一部分,该公 厂采用透明的屋顶和较低的照明来增加亮 度。工厂外部如从一般环境包括工厂公园 的周围到简单地将滤水器安装在工厂大门 前的喷水池。戴祺胜说:“这一切只是为 了传达一个信息,就是为了创造一个良好 的工作环境,所有的一切都是重要的,即 使是微不足道的小事。”
此计划的确有效。据戴祺胜表示,截至 2011年财政年,该公司的利润增长了20%到 2亿7千8百令吉,税前净利提高了41.2%。
Considerable work is also be- ing carried out on changing and improving the environment at the factory. As part of an energy saving programme, transparent roofs have been installed in the factory and lights lowered to in- crease light. Outside work has also been carried out on the gen- eral environment including in the gardens surrounding the factory, down to simple things like add- ing a filter to the fountain outside the factory’s front door. Says Tai Qisheng. “This is to get the mes- sage across that everything mat- ters when it comes to creating the right working environment”.
The plan certainly seems to be working. According to Tai, during the financial year ending 2011 the company achieved a 20% increase in revenue to RM 278 million with profit before tax up 41.2%.
59 truck & bus news › 2012/2