Page 54 - TBN-2014-3
P. 54
Mann+Hummel On Stable Course
Mann+Hummel Group, the German filtration specialist, has developed positively against the backdrop of fluctuating economic conditions in 2013. At its financial press confer- ence, the filtration specialist reported on its business development in 2013: sales of 2.68 billion euros (+ 2.3 per cent) and a Group result (EBIT) of 151 billion euros (+ 3.6 per cent) were recorded in the year under review.
The Group puts the flat sales growth curve down to the strength of the euro. The single currency gained significant value against the Brazilian Real as well as against the US dollar last year. Gains in market share and positive market trends in the local currencies were therefore frequently neutralised in the consolidated balance sheet in euros. Adjusted for exchange rate effects, sales growth amounted to five per cent, exceeding the previous year's reference value (3.6 per cent)
Sales increase in the automotive sector
Mann+Hummel’s determining factors in the sales increase of some 60 million euros to 2.68 billion euros were principally sales increases in North America and Asia, both in the automotive origi- nal equipment segment and in the aftermarket business. The In- dustrial Filtration business unit remained at the previous year's level as a result of stagnating demand for capital goods.
Alfred Weber, President & CEO, was satisfied with the results: "We achieved good figures in terms of sales and earnings in 2013. The market environment remains volatile and we go into 2014 with cau- tious optimism."
"We have again increased our investments in tangible assets and Research & Development. This ensures the conditions for continu- ing sustained growth," explained Frank Jehle, Deputy CEO & CFO.
The Group spent 98 million euros on Research & Development in 2013, an area in which it employed nearly 1,000 highly qualified employees. The German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) has recognised the filtration specialist's innovative strength for the third year in succession. In 2013, the company has again garnered a position on the list of Germany's 50 most active pat- ent applicants.
In response to the above-average growth in Asia, a new plant was opened in Changchun (China). Moreover, production capacity was significantly expanded at the US locations of Portage (Michigan) and Dunlap (Tennessee). In Europe, Mann+Hummel also invested in numerous existing plants as well as opening a new Logistics and Testing Centre in Okrisky (Czech Republic).
Although CFO Jehle anticipated further economic recovery in 2014, he still remained cautious: "The financial markets have not yet achieved a sustainably sound situation. In 2014, we will con- tinue to focus on the high flexibility of Mann+Hummel in particular. In the process, we will continue to invest in growth and the expan- sion of our market position."
52 truck & bus news › 2014/3
Mann + Hummel 稳健发展
德国滤清专家曼胡默尔在 2013 年不断 变化的经济环境下,依然取得了令人 欣喜的成绩。在该公司的年度财报发布 会上,曼胡默尔发布了2013的业务发展情况:在 2013年财政年度,集团销售额达到26.8亿欧元, 实现增长2.3%,息税前利润达到 1.51 亿欧元,增 长3.6%。
曼胡默尔平缓的销售增长曲线与强势的欧元有关。 相比于巴西雷亚尔和美元,通用货币在去年涨幅迅 猛。为此,当地货币中的市场盈利份额和良好的市 场发展趋势在欧元区资产负债表方面发挥不了作 用。排除货币影响,曼胡默尔销售额增长了 5 % , 超过了上一年的比较值(3.6%)。
2013年,曼胡默尔集团的销售额为26.8亿欧元,增 长了约6,000万欧元。这一增长主要来自于曼胡默 尔在在北美和亚洲地区的汽车主机和售后业务取得 的增长,这对集团销售额增长起到了决定性作用。 由于市场对资本货物的需求停滞不前,曼胡默尔工 业过滤业务与2012年持平。
曼胡默尔总裁兼首席执行长威伯尔( Alfred Weber) 对2013年的成绩感到满意:“2013 年,我们在销售 额和业绩方面收获颇丰。虽然市场环境动荡不安,但 是我们对 2014 年仍然保持谨慎乐观的态度。”
“2013年,我们再次增加了对有形资产和研发领域 的投资,这为我们的进一步可持续发展创造了先决 条件,”曼胡默尔副首席执行长兼首席财务长杰勒 ( Frank Jehle)解释说。
2013 年,曼胡默尔集团在研发领域投入9,800万欧 元,拥有近 1,000 名高技能研发人员。对于曼胡默 尔的创新能力,德国专利商标局(DPMA)已经连续 三次做出了高度评价。曼胡默尔在2013年再次被评 为德国 50个最活跃的专利申请者之一。
此外,曼胡默尔长春新工厂的投入使用,体现了曼 胡默尔在亚洲取得的超出平均水平的增长。在美国 密歇根州Portage和田纳西州Dunlap的生产厂,曼 胡默尔的产能也得到了显著增长。在欧洲,曼胡默 尔对众多工厂也进行了投入,并在捷克共和国的奥 克日什基开设了新的物流和测试中心。
尽管杰勒认为经济在 2014 年将持续得到复苏,但 他仍然持谨慎的态度:“金融市场还没有形成持续 发展的良好局面。2014 年,我们将继续着重于公司 一直以来倡导的高度灵活性。对此,我们将继续投 资并扩大我们的市场地位。”