Page 54 - TBN-2014-4
P. 54
The two patterns that TBB Trading
highlights in this issue are KTX266
and KTX262, which are all-steel
radial truck tyres. The slant to
the KTX266 tread grooves at the
shoulder area is to allow heat dis-
persion and increase the tyre’s
high speed performance and
durability. The KTX262, an all-po-
sition all-steel radial truck tyre, is
made from a high quality and high
wear resistance rubber compound.
Featuring deeper tread depths that
prolong the tyre’s life, the circumfer-
ential, lateral and block pattern designs
increase the tyre’s grip and wet perfor-
mance, enabling it to suit many different road conditions.
TBB Trading expresses great confidence in the TBBtires brand and believes that it would receive good response from the market with its good quality and performance, similar to that in other countries. According to TBB Trading, Jiangsu General Science Technology’s tyres have received many product certifications, including DOT, ECE and Smartway from the USA, GCC and EU labelling. At pres- ent, its products are exported to Europe, the United States, South- East Asia and the Middle East.
Apart from the TBBtires brand, another brand that Jiangsu General Science Technology produces is the CTM brand of tyres, which is recognised as the ‘Famous Chinese Logo’.
52 truck & bus news › 2014/4
通用公司认为他们必须拥有自己的研发能力,才 能够使轮胎产品始终处于领先地位。他们引进世 界知名品牌工厂的生产现场管理模式,使生产更 严格,产品质量更稳定。
TBB贸易公司宣称TBBtires产品的优势主要体现在 耐磨抗载方面,抗载性能在中国国内首屈一指。 通过对无内胎产品的技术改良,现生产的无内胎 产品不仅行驶里程比当地大部分工厂高出许多, 抗载性能也十分优越。而强壮的胎体和优越的产 品配方更利于胎体翻新。
在这一期的《卡客车新闻》中,TBB贸易公司选 择重点介绍的两大款型为KTX266和KTX262全钢子 午线卡车胎。KTX266肩部斜散热沟设计有利于 轮胎肩部散热,提高轮胎的高速性能和耐久性 能。KTX262的全轮位轮胎设计,高耐磨的胎面配 方及较深的花纹深度,提高轮胎的使用寿命。纵 向花纹沟,横向花纹沟及块状花纹设计,提高抓 地力和抗润滑性,更能适应各种路况。
TBB贸易公司对于TBBtires品牌充满信心,并深信 它的良好品质和性必能取得良好的市场反应,一如 它在其它国家一样受欢迎。据该公司表示,通用 公司的轮胎获得了众多产品认证,如美国的DOT、 ECE、Smartway,GCC以及欧盟标签法等等。目前产品 远销欧洲,美洲,东南亚及中东。
除了TBBtires品牌,通用公司的CTM产品在中国国 内及国外市场均享有盛誉,CTM品牌更被评为“中 国驰名商标”。