Page 29 - TBN-2023-5
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山厚志(Atsushi Uchiyama)将新卡车移交给Transcargo World- wide董事Ong Chin Chin Kian和Ong Chin Chin Keong。
2007年成立的Transcargo Worldwide是一家专门从事空运、海 运、报关、仓储配送、内陆及跨境运输、电商物流及增值服务的 综合物流公司。其服务覆盖马来西亚的出入口,包括吉隆坡国际 机场(KLIA)、槟城机场和海港、巴生港、巴西古当港、丹绒伯 拉巴斯港(Tanjung Pelepas Port)以及与新加坡和泰国接壤的 边境。
Transcargo Worldwide扩张其车队是为了应付业务增长需求, 而日野众所周知的质量和可靠性是该公司选择该品牌的主要原 因。Transcargo Worldwide还透露,日野在卡车试用初期、技术 支持以及实地了解其需求等方面给该公司留下了良好的印象。此 外,Transcargo Worldwide表示日野与他们不仅合作无间,还提 供了最好的全面支持。在全国拥有完善网络的日野,减轻了该公 司在服务维护和售后支持方面的责任。
Transcargo Worldwide在其新卡车上安装了名为Hino Connect的 智能远程信息处理系统,协助其车队经理保护他们的卡车和驾驶 员,以及支持客户的运营。用户还可以通过myHINO手机应用程序 访问卡车信息,因为该应用程序链接到远程信息处理系统。
该公司还签订了日野会员Premium Plus售后服务,将保修期延长 至七年和不限里程,而且还享有免费刹车片。除了每行驶6万公 里便可更换刹车片外,还可获得高达500令吉的拖车服务支援(
每年仅限一次)。再者,订购日野会员计划的客户还可享有独家 促销活动的优惠。
更值得一提的是HMSM还采取主动,通过其位于申达央(Sen- dayan)的培训中心,即日野全方位支持客户中心(HTSCC),提高 商用车驾驶员的驾驶技能。通过这项培训计划,为驾驶员提供聚 焦于驾驶员安全、“eco-cien驾驶”和驾驶员熟悉度等强化课 程。Transcargo Worldwide已为其车队主管报名参加培训,并相 信通过提高驾驶技能可以实现更高的燃油效率。
Hino Hands Over Four Prime Movers to RISDA Fleet
H Sdn Bhd ino Motors Motors Sales (Malaysia) Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd and and its dealer Soon Seng Motors Motors Enterprise (1988) Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd recently handed four 700 series trucks (model SS1EKRA) to to RISDA Fleet
established on
2nd February 2002 is is is Hino Ma- laysia’s existing customer Operating as part of of the the RISDA RISDA RISDA Hold- ings Group of of of Companies (RISDA) the the the company is is a a a a a a a a a a a subsidiary of of of the the the Rubber Smallholders Development Development Authority (KRH) an an an an agency under the the the Ministry of of Rural and Regional Development Development (KKDW) RISDA RISDA Fleet
serves as the the the logistics division for RISDA RISDA and KRH facilitating the the the distribution of of agricultural input subsi- dies as part of of the the RISDA rubber rubber replanting programme primar- ily benefiting rubber rubber smallholders in in in Malaysia Commenting on
the the occasion occasion Hino Malaysia Director Ahmad Yasmin Yahya remarked: “On the the the occasion occasion of RISDA's 50th anniversary the the company company extends its gratitude to RISDA RISDA Fleet
for entrusting Hino Hino as a a a a a a a a a transportation solution The company company is is is honoured to to contribute to to RISDA’s growth journey with Hino Hino trucks This Prime Mover is is is a a a a a a part of the 700 Series model lineup and and signifies Hino’s commitment to product quality and and safety enhancement "
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