Page 38 - TBN-2023-5
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卓越而强大的PUMA 2 0L TDI柴油发动机、 一流,带手动模式的ZF八速自动变速箱和 博格华纳(BorgWarner)四轮驱动系统。 凭借先进的燃油喷射系统和涡轮增压器技 术,PUMA 2 0L TDI柴油引擎据称可提供令 人印象深刻的动力与效率,带来平稳且灵 活的驾驶体验。
此外,博格华纳四轮驱动系统为越野和休 旅车(SUV)应用提供低速分动箱。低档 分动箱带来较低的传动比,增强扭矩传递 并使车辆能够应对各种具挑战性的路况。
华丽山陈唱控股首席执行员兼董事经理 陈庆明说:“我们在2021年成功推出JMC Vigus Pro后,收到了来自企业界的大量 反馈。他们需要一款可靠、坚固,价格
具竞争力,拥有多种功能的四驱主力车 来协助公司实现良好业绩,而JMC Vigus Pro All-Essential White Series 就是 答案。”
JMC Vigus Pro White Series享有三年 或10万公里保修,内饰配备透气材质座 椅。Premium Series则配备人造皮革座椅 和 和 DVR、隔热膜、遮阳板、踢板和尾门辅 助装置等配件,并提供五年或150 000公 里保修。
如今,ATM也提供额外的配件来满足客户 的各种需求。他们可以选择卷帘等配件, 让货物的运送更为便利和安全。另外,客 户也可以使用多功能且具保护作用的顶 篷。所有配件均享有一年保修。
所有JMC Vigus Pro均在雪兰莪州双文丹 最先进的陈唱汽车(Tan Chong Motor) 车厂组装。该车款将在全国30家ATM代理 商处展示并提供试驾。日后的维修则可通 过Tan Chong Ekspress的售后服务网络, 在全国20家维修中心进行维护。未来,该 公司计划扩大其代理商和服务车间,以接 触更多的客户。
为庆祝JMC Vigus Pro White Series上市,Ang- ka-Tan Motor举办了试驾赢奖活动。凡参 与试驾的客户将有机会赢取总价值20 000 令吉的BHPetrol汽油礼券。此外,凡购买 一辆Vigus Pro,客户即可获得10次参加 比赛的机会。幸运获奖者将于2024年第一 季度公布。
工资。他敦促政府为未来的公共巴士和卡 车司机制定全面的培训计划,全额资助E 级和 PSV 级驾照的相关费用。此外,阿 斯法建议为受训的学员提供每月500令吉 的额外工资奖励,以应对预期中的司机短 缺问题。
他还呼吁政府提高柴油补贴,并增加运营 商每月的补贴柴油配额。目前柴油价格为 每公升1 88令吉,泛马巴士业者公会建议 将柴油价格下调至每公升1 50令吉。目前 长途巴士和公共巴士的每月配额分别为 2 800公升和1 440公升。该公会还建议将 长途巴士的配额提高到6 000公升,公共 巴士的配额提高到4 000升。
除此之外,泛马巴士业者公会还建议政府 对巴士总站和车站收费进行补贴、免税、 检讨资助计划、电动汽车奖励措施和公共 交通宣传活动等。该公会希望政府听取其 请求,并将有关津贴的建议纳入2024年预 算案中。
Bus Operators Seek Government Support
The Covid-19 pandemic badly im- pacted Malaysia’s stage and and ex- press bus operators leaving many struggling to to stay afloat Despite various industries receiving incentives and assis- tance from the the the government the the the bus oper- ators feel neglected and are voicing their concerns through the the Pan Malaysia Bus Operators Association (PMBOA) PMBOA President Datuk Mohamad Ashfar Ali stated in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a press statement that many bus operators were operating at at at at at at a a a a a a a a a a a loss barely covering their expenses He plead- ed with the the government to consider allocat- ing funds for salary incentives and diesel subsidies in in in in the 2024 budget Operators are grappling with losses and and some had to to halt operations during the pandemic He emphasised that the the declining income of bus operators placed them in in in in in in a a a a a a a difficult position making it it it challenging to to to provide competitive wages to to to drivers He urged the government to to establish a a a a a compre- hensive training programme for prospec- tive bus and truck drivers fully covering the the expenses associated with obtaining E-class and PSV-class licences Further- more Ashfar recommended the the introduc- tion of of an extra monthly salary incentive of of RM500 for trainees aimed at the ex- pected driver shortage He also called on the the government to en- hance the the the diesel subsidy and increase the the monthly allotment of subsidised die- sel sel for operators With diesel currently
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priced at RM1 RM1 88 per per litre litre PMBOA pro- posed a a a reduction to RM1 RM1 50 per per litre litre The existing monthly quotas for express and and and interim stage buses stand at 2 800 litres litres and and and 1 440 litres litres respectively The Association suggested elevating these quotas to 6 000 000 litres litres for for express buses buses and 4 000 000 litres litres for for interim stage buses buses Besides that PMBOA suggested sub- sidies for terminal and bay charges tax exemptions review of support schemes electric vehicle incentives and public transport awareness campaigns The Association hopes that the government would heed its pleas and include support for the the industry in in in the the 2024 budget 新冠疫情严重影响了马来西亚的 公共巴士和长途巴士运营商, 使许多业者陷入困境。虽然政
府为各个行业提供津贴和援助,但巴士运 营商仍感到被忽视,并通过泛马巴士业者 公会(PMBOA)表达了他们的诉求和担忧。
泛马巴士业者公会主席拿督莫哈末阿斯法 (Datuk Mohamad Ashfar Ali)在一份新 闻声明中表示,许多巴士运营商都在亏损 运营,几乎无法支付费用。他恳请政府考 虑在2024年预算案中将资金分配用于工资 奖励和柴油补贴。他指出,运营商正在努 力应对损失,有些运营商在疫情期间则不 得不停止运营。

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