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collaboratively in in in addressing challenges in in in in in regulations enforcement and licens- ing The Ministry welcomes all feedback and suggestions ”
Loke also reaffirmed that the the Ministry was committed to to support the the the land transport sector with the the goals of greater efficiency and cost reduction Meanwhile NSLOA President Lee Hung Yang thanked the Organising Chairman Jonio Tan Yoong Juan and his committee for ffor their effort in in organising the the the the event as as well as as the the the the enormous support of the the the the ex- hibitors and members NSLOA Lee said could purchase a a a build- ing next to to its current premises in in 2020 due to to the strong and and generous support from business partners and and and members who con- tributed donations and and participated in in in in the Association’s fund-raising activity in in in 2018 “To date the Association has 222 mem- bers bers and we we believe that we we could achieve more more than 300 members in a a a a a a a few more more years ”
he added Among the the the highlights of of o the the the evening were the the the introduction of of o of new new office bear- ers presentation of o of mementoes to to new new NSLOA’s member by Honorary Life Pres- ident Dato’ Tan Kim Chong and and long ser- vice awards to to the Association’s past and and current committee members by Loke lucky draws and the 88th anniversary cake cutting ceremony 森美兰罗里同业公会(NSLOA)近 日举办了卡车嘉年华,庆祝创 会88周年。
该活动于8月19日在芙蓉统一宴会厅盛大 举行,并获得了本地运货运行业的支持。 参与的运输公司借此机会展示了各自的产
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品和服务,该嘉年华以晚宴作为结束,共 有1,300名嘉宾出席。
当晚主宾交通部长陆兆福表示,在联合政 府成立后他回到交通部,很欣慰地看到他 在2018年做出的一些改变仍然存在。其中 一个例子就是轴载重量的提高已经带来了 正面的效果。接着,2019年取消本地制造 的拖车和半挂车的从价注册费(AVRF)举 措,也有助于提高本地制造的拖车的竞争 力,因为在征收销售税之外再收取AVRF将 致使本地制造的拖车售价比进口的贵。
他强调,交通部一直以来都很珍惜与森美兰 罗里同业公会,还有其他分会建立起来的牢 固关系。“这种伙伴关系使我们能够共同合 作和应对在监管、执法和许可证方面的各种 挑战。交通部欢迎所有反馈和建议。”
陆兆福还重申,该部将致力于支持陆路运 输领域,协助该领域提高效率和降低成 本。
森美兰罗里同业公会会长李宏扬感谢筹委 会主席Jonio Tan Yoong Juan及其委员会 为组织此次活动所做的努力,以及参展商 和会员的大力支持。
李宏扬表示,2018年公会主办了筹款 活动,获得了商业伙伴和会员踊跃出 席。在他们的慷慨和大力支持下,公会 才能够在2020年的现址旁购买一栋建 筑物。
“公会目前拥有222名会员,我们相信 再过几年,我们的会员数量将超过300 名。”他补充说。

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