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Peace of mind is assured Goh stressed as as Roadone tyres were certified by SIRIM Berhad after undergoing a a a a a a a a a a series of rigor- ous and and and detailed standard standard tests Roadone tyres are said to meet all the standard standard requirements It was only after obtaining the the certificate of recognition (COA) he he he stated that the the the company’s tyres could be affixed with the the SIRIM mark Hixih Group the the manufacturer behind the the Roadone tyre brand has a a a a a a a a a rich history dating back to to its establishment in in 1989 Over the the course of two decades the the Group evolved into a a a a prominent player in in in in the tyre and conveyor belt industries As a a a a a a global group Hixih has 10 subsid- iaries under its umbrella with business- es es es comprising electric power biological engineering metal products products wire rope environmental-friendly products products med- ical and and health care capital operation and and real estate It has forged successful joint ventures with esteemed multination- al al al corporations such as Pirelli from from Italy Continental from from from Germany and Bekaert from from Belgium which have achieved great success in their respective field Today the the Group stands as a a a a a a pivotal hub for the the the rubber industry and and rub- ber ber engineering products holding the the the distinction of of being the the world’s largest manufacturer of of industrial conveyor belts In August 2016 Hixih Group was ranked 292th among the top 500 Chi- nese companies The successful collaboration with Pirelli for for more than 10 years he he he pointed out paved the way for for Hixih Group to to diver- sify its product offering by venturing into manufacturing Roadone brand was born in in in 2003 and and in in in 2005 the Group set up up a a a a a joint venture with Pirelli to to develop Roadone as a a a a a a a top private premium tyre brand This joint joint venture venture production facil- ity is is the only joint joint venture venture factory Pirelli has in in China
“The Roadone Roadone brand was relaunched in June 2015 by Tongli Tyre Roadone Roadone com- mercial tyres tyres are high quality tyres tyres pro- duced using European engineering tech- nology raw materials and and equipment from Belgium the the Netherlands Germany Italy and and and United States Roadone brand inte- grates the cutting-edge global technology with Hixih Group’s in-depth understand- ing of the the local customer needs in in in in China
as as well as as adhere to to the the brand core value of o ‘safe durable and and and and powerful‘ Roadone stands as a a a a a a a a a tier one one private brand offer- ing ing its products to to to decerning customers in in in mid-to-high end market ” he concluded “HF21是一款绿色轮胎,专为多次翻新 而设计,有三种尺寸可供选择:11R22 5 、235/75R17 5和295/80R22 5。”他补充说。
吴世胜强调,陆通轮胎经过一系列严格而 详细的标准测试后才获得了SIRIM Berhad 认证,以确保用户的安心无忧。陆通轮胎 据称满足了该标准的所有要求。他表示, 只有在获得认可证书(COA)后,该公司 的轮胎才能贴上SIRIM标志。
华勤集团是陆通轮胎品牌的制造商,其历 史可追溯至1989年。经过二十年的发展, 该集团已发展成为轮胎和输送带行业的知 名企业。作为一家全球化集团,华勤旗下 拥有10家子公司,业务涵盖电力、生物工 程、金属制品、钢丝绳、环保产品、医疗 保健、资本运营和房地产等。与意大利倍 耐力、德国大陆集团、比利时贝卡尔特等 知名跨国公司建立了成功的合资企业,并 在各个领域取得了巨大成功。
如今,该集团已成为橡胶工业和橡胶工程 产品的枢纽和全球最大的工业输送带制造 商。2016年8月,华勤集团入选中国企业 500强,排名第292位。
他指出,与倍耐力十多年来的成功合作, 为华勤集团进军制造业、实现产品多元 化铺平了道路。陆通品牌诞生于2003 年,2005年该集团与倍耐力成立合资公 司,将陆通打造成优质的高档自主轮胎品 牌。该工厂是倍耐力在中国的唯一合资工 厂。
“陆通品牌于2015年6月由通力轮胎重新 推出。陆通商用轮胎是采用来自比利时、 荷兰、德国、意大利和美国的欧洲工程技 术、原材料和设备生产的高品质轮胎。陆 通品牌融合了全球前沿技术与华勤集团对 中国客户需求的深入了解,并坚守‘安全 耐用、动力强劲’的品牌核心价值。陆通 作为一级自有品牌,为中至高端市场具有 识别能力的客户提供产品。”他总结说。
销售经理吴世胜表示:“陆通HF21是一款 卡车及巴士子午胎。它是条全轮位轮胎, 适用于卡车转向轴和拖车轮位。该轮胎专 为中长途高速行驶而设计,可征服高速公 路和城市公路。”
他续说,HF21采用优化的轮廓设计和独特 的细小刀槽胎面花纹,可改善潮湿路面的 抓地力,确保安全性、舒适性以及燃油经 济。得益于专门配制的高速和超耐磨胎面 胶,在混合道路和城市公路上实现了更高 的行驶里程。此外,他还指出,该轮胎拥 有超强四层冠带层、低发热胎面配方以及 优化的胎肩材料设计技术,有效降低了轮 胎的滚动阻力。
可靠性和性能至关重要的商业 运输领域,陆通马来西亚独家
55 truck & bus news 2023/5