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Charles Brewer Group Chief Executive Officer Pos Malaysia its kind offered in in the the country The smart EV telematics software employs the the lat- est cloud-based technology to provide near real-time data and analytics for fleet management Features include remote monitoring and and optimising of charging levels battery utilisation and and the driving efficiency of each e-van YGT Senior Vice President of Business Development Srinivas Tati expressed enthusiasm at at helping commercial and industrial customers to to to achieve their net zero ambitions “We are honoured to to to to work with Pos Malaysia by contributing to to its sustainability goal Following the roll- out out of chargEV charging stations at at Pos Malaysia outlets earlier this year we are now supporting the rapid electrification of its four-wheeler fleet We hope that this would pave the the way for more corporates to realise their respective decarbonisa- tion commitments ” Pos Malaysia Group Chief Executive Of- ficer Charles Brewer said: “This initiative initiative is is one of six sustainability initiatives and underpins our our commitment to be net-zero by 2050 and reflects our our purpose state- ment of being passionate about building trust to to to connect lives and businesses for a a a a a better tomorrow We aim to to to to fully tran- sition our last-mile vehicles from ICE to to to electric by 2030 ” Charles emphasised: “Our unwavering commitment to reducing emissions en- hancing energy efficiency and embracing cleaner technologies positions us as the only logistics provider in in Malaysia to to com- mit to to to to a a a a a a a net-zero target We eagerly invite others to to to join us on this journey towards 30 truck & bus news 2023/6 Srinivas Tati Senior Vice President Business Development YGT a a a a a cleaner and greener future – together we could make a a a a a difference!” Further to the the the provision of the the the CAM EC35 e-vans YGT provided Pos Malaysia with one unit each of of of the Maxus eDeliver 3 and Foton iBlue EV for proof-of-concept (POC) purposes These e-vans are being evaluated by Pos Malaysia during a a a a a a a a a a a a three-month trial period as as part of its its plan to electrify its its last-mile ICE vehicles by 2030 EC35电动货车。该公司还为全国各地的大 马邮政仓库提供车队充电解决方案,并监 督租赁车队和电动汽车充电器的技术支援 和维护服务。 这种全面的一体式电动汽车租赁解决方案 也是国内首例。智能电动汽车远程信息处 理软件采用最新的基于云技术,为车队管 理提供近乎实时的数据和分析。功能包括 远程监控和优化充电水平、电池利用率和 每辆电动货车的驾驶效率。 YGT业务发展高级副总裁斯尼瓦达迪 (Srinivas Tati)对助力商业和工业客户 实现净零排放目标充满热忱。“我们很荣 幸与大马邮政合作,为其可持续发展目标 做出贡献。继今年早些时候在大马邮政 分店推出chargeEV充电站后,我们现在 协助他们将其四轮车队快速电气化。我 们希望这将为更多企业的脱碳计划铺平 道路。” 大马邮政集团首席执行员查尔斯 (Charles Brewer)表示:“这是公司的 六项可持续发展举措之一,我们计划在 2050年实现净零排放。它反映了我们热衷 于建立信任以连接生活和企业,共创美 好明天的宗旨。我们的目标是在2030年以 电动货车取代最后一英里的所有燃油货 车。” 查尔斯强调:“我们对减少排放、增强能 源效率和采用清洁技术的坚持,使我们成 为马来西亚唯一致力于实现净零目标的物 流供应商。我们热切邀请其他人加入我 们,共同迈向更清洁、更绿色的未来—— 只要我们齐心协力,就能改变现状!” 除了提供CAM EC35电动货车外,YGT还为 大马邮政分别提供了一辆Maxus eDeliv- er 3和福田(Foton)iBlue EV让他们进 行概念验证 (POC)。 作为在2030年将其最后一英里燃油车辆电 气化计划的一部分,大马邮政将对这些电 动车进行为期三个月的试用评估。 应商云升绿色科技(YGT)近期 配 合国家邮政提供商的可持续发 展目标,绿色技术解决方案供 向大马邮政(Pos Malaysia)移交了143辆 商用智能电动货车。 云升科技以租赁方式向大马邮政供应集成 了智能电动汽车远程信息处理软件的CAM 

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