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and August this year claiming a a a a a a robust 24 4 4 per cent share of the market The Isuzu Temerloh 3S Centre is locat- ed at at at at at Bangunan Tanjung Keramat Batu 1 Jalan Mentakab and and operates between 9am and and 6pm daily 五十铃淡马鲁(Temerloh)3S门 店在经过一番改善后开业,马 来西亚半岛中部地带的居民和 企业经营者将可享有增强的五十铃销售和 服务支援。 这家具有马来西亚五十铃最新企业形象 的新店分店,位于文德甲路(Jalan Men- takab),地理位置优越。该店由Pacific Motor 私人有限公司负责经营,提供销售 和售后服务,以满足该地区日益增长的五 十铃车主的需求。 五十铃淡马鲁3S中心坐落在面积超过 7 000平方米的宽敞土地上,可舒适地容 纳前来进行维护保养的五十铃卡车和皮卡 车。五十铃表示,该中心拥有六个维修车 间,能够快速地处理服务预约,使客户迅 速恢复旅程,并确保他们的五十铃车辆处 于最佳状态。 该新服务中心内有一个舒适的等候区并备 有茶点,客户可以在其空调陈列室中浏览 并通过环保数字信息面板,寻找最新的五 十铃D-Max车型。那些寻求符合他们理想 的五十铃卡车来满足其业务需求的人,也 可以在此找到可随时为他们服务,经验丰 富、知识渊博的顾问。 马来西亚五十铃首席执行员岡添俊介 (Shunsuke Okazoe)称赞这家新中心是 一个现代化的综合性商店,可以在未来许 多年满足客户需求。 岡添俊介表示:“五十铃在马来西亚市场 取得了重大进展,无论是在销售,或者是 在建立其作为高品质、可靠和创新汽车领 先品牌的声誉方面。全新和改进的服务中 心的开业如五十铃淡马鲁3S中心等,将支 持公司为客户提供满足并超越他们期望的 增强体验目标。” 彭亨对马来西亚五十铃来说依然非常重 要,今年1月至7月,五十铃卡车占据了该 州72% 的市场份额,使彭亨成为五十铃公 司市场份额第一的州属。 此外,五十铃D-Max皮卡在彭亨州也取得 了长足的进步,在皮卡销量排行榜上稳居 第二位。第三代D-Max销量在今年1月至8 月猛增7 2%,市场份额高达24 4%。 五十铃Temerloh 3S中心位于Bangunan Tan- jung Keramat Batu 1 Jalan Mentakab,营 业时间每日从上午9时至下午6时。 City Zone Express Adds New Isuzu Trucks for Regional Logistics 全新五十铃卡车助力City Zone Express区域物流业务 Bhd recently received five Isuzu P Equipped with the Isuzu MZW6P six- speed manual transmission and boasting a a a a a a a a a a a a substantial 400-litre fuel tank the FVR 240 caters to great driving performance and robustness with optimised load ca- pacity City Zone Express plans to deploy the new trucks for short- and long-haul logistics operations with deliveries to as as far as as Singapore This strategic enhance- ment ment is is said to to underscore the company's commitment to to efficiency reliability and and meeting the the evolving demands of the the lo- gistics industry The functional versatility that comes with the the FVR 240 is offered through the the body length that could vary up to to 27 feet to to al- low for a a a a a a a a a a very wide range of body type ap- plications and and use Meanwhile reliability and and safety are offered through features such as the Anti-Lock Braking System with full air brake that provides safe stop- ping force and secure parking on inclines City Zone Express General Manager S S Pirithivaraj a/l Selvarajoo @ Raj high- lighted the the importance of having reliable efficient and safe trucks for the the compa- ny’s logistics operations “Previously we bought several used and reconditioned trucks to run our opera- enang-based regional logistics provider City Zone Express Sdn FVR34UU-SD (FVR 240) 4x2 rigid trucks from the the the Isuzu dealer in the the the northern re- gion Indah Utara Auto Sdn Bhd The Isuzu FVR 240 is is from the ‘renowned’ F-series medium-duty trucks that is is said to to represent a a a a a a new era of of hauling power designed to to meet the challenges of of rig- orous tasks while ensuring cost-effective operations Featuring advanced capabili- ties Isuzu says these trucks are poised to elevate City Zone Express's logistics services Shunsuke Okazoe (right) Chief Executive Officer Isuzu Malaysia and Yap Teck Ngian Managing Director Pacific Motor Sdn Bhd 35 truck & bus news 2023/6 

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