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Chai who joined the the Association in in in in 2017 revealed that she learnt a a a a a a lot from seniors in in in in in the the the the the industry industry She highlight- ed ed the the the the need for the the the the logistics industry industry to to evolve with with the the the the times and collaborate with with authorities to to address emerg- ing challenges “We hope companies across different sectors would work close- ly with with the the the Association in in in in in organising joint seminars or or or or confer- ences to to to foster communication with with each other enabling them to to to understand and and solve problems together ” Meanwhile Dato Ng Koong Sinn President Pan-Malaysia Lor- ry Owners’ Association Association (PMLOA) who officiated the the the celebration pointed out out that that that that the the the the Association Association was concerned about the the the the measures undertaken by the the the Land Transport Ministry to curb ille- gal overloading This included action such as as confiscating lorries found exceeding weight limits He stressed that the the members of the the Association were law abiding and and consistently upheld princi- ples against overloading speeding and and bribery He believed that merely confiscating overloaded lorries would not effectively address the issues of land transportation safety and and overloading Such measure instead would impose sub- stantial economic losses on on transport operators Shippers he he he emphasised played a a a a a a a a a a a a pivotal role in land transpor- tation safety and and were among the the the the primary causes of of the the the the prob- lem Therefore on on on on on on behalf of of of the the the the Association he he he he he he urged the the the the Min- istry of of Transportation to take decisive action against shippers who violated pertinent laws "In addressing the the overloading matter we strongly encourage authorities to impose penalties on on on the the the shipper shipper or or consignment owner Emphasising the the the accountability of of shippers as as primary stakeholders we believe would foster their their understanding of of their their critical role in in in in ensuring road safety If shippers comprehend and and take responsibility for the the the the overloading overloading accidents that they have a a a a a a a a a a a a a hand in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a substantial portion of the the the overloading overloading issues could be successfully addressed " He also pointed out the the discrepancy in in weight measurements be- tween the the the mobile scales used by by factories and and those employed by by the the Land Transport Ministry “This has led to to to numerous unjust fines and and legal disputes which poses significant challenges to to to the the lorry industry we call on the the authorities to to rectify this issue promptly ” According to to to the Land Public Transport Act 2010 he he noted that any offender could be subject to to to to fines ranging from RM1 000 000 to to to to RM500 000 000 a a a a a a a a a a prison sentence o of of up to to to two years and the con- fiscation of of of lorries In this regard he he he he shared that many members expressed concerns about the the the the the perceived excessiveness of of of the the the the the law particularly in in in the the the the the light of of of the the the the the industry grappling with the the the the the un- just issue of of weight variation on on mobile scales “We urge the the the Ministry of Transport to reassess its weighing de- vices and share the the the test data with the the the public ” he he he he added Among the the the highlights of the the the night were the the the committee inaugu- ration ceremony new building fund raising a a a a a a a a five-year contract signing between the Johor Trucking Association and Millennium Welt Batu Pahat a a a a a a a a a a BMW dealer holding promotions in in in in in response to green environmental protection and cake cutting 11月10日,柔佛罗里同业公会于新山大雅花园(Taman Daya)的隆盛佛跳墙大酒家隆重举办33周年庆晚宴。 当晚的主宾,马来西亚投资、贸易及工业部(MITI)副部长刘镇 东在其致辞中回顾了马来西亚的经济增长。他说:“1988年至 1997年间,马来西亚经济每年增长9%,这是我国的第一次经济起 飞。政治稳定对于经济发展非常重要,联合政府有信心能够完成 其任期。” 他承认当前地缘政治竞争带来了挑战,并强调东南亚在全球舞台 上的突出地位。刘镇东指出,东南亚已成为西方和中国公司寻求 进入或退出中国的替代方案。他表示,马来西亚有机会实现第二 次经济起飞,从低工资、低技能的经济模式转变为充满经济活力 的高收入国家。 “运输行业,包括卡车运输在内,走向数字化和绿色转型是不可 避免的,这对业者来说是机遇,也是挑战。所有的工业在未来都 会与技术更紧密地结合。卡车运输行业越快投入数字化,我们就 能更有效地整合供应链,带来新的商机。” 新任柔佛罗里同业公会主席蔡佩云则对目前高速大道照明设施的 明显不足,影响司机安全的问题表示担忧。她敦促政府增加路灯 和卡车泊车位,以方便司机停车和休息。 2017年加入公会的她透露,她从前辈那里学到了许多东西。她强 调物流行业需要与时俱进,并与当局合作,以应对新挑战。 “我们希望各领域的商家能够与公会密切合作,联手举办研讨会 或讲座,促进彼此间的沟通,一同了解问题、解决问题。” 马来西亚罗里同业总会会长拿督黄冠燊为该晚宴主持开幕仪式时 指出,该会关注陆路交通局取缔违法超载的举措,包括没收货车 等行动。但他强调,该会的会员都奉公守法,并一直秉持着反超 载、反超速及反贿赂的原则。 他认为,仅仅没收超载货车并不能有效解决陆路运输安全和超载 问题。相反,这种措施会给运输运营商带来巨大的经济损失。 他强调,托运人在陆路运输安全中扮演者重要的角色,也是问题 的根源之一。因此,他代表公会呼吁当局对违反相关法律的托运 人采取行动。 “针对超载问题,我们敦促当局处罚托发货人或托运所有人。我 们相信通过强调托运人作为主要利益相关者的责任,将促进他们 了解自己在确保道路安全方面的关键作用。如果托运人理解他们 对超载事故负有责任,那么大部分的超载问题将获得解决。” 他还指出,工厂使用的移动秤与陆路交通部使用的移动秤之间的 重量测量存在差异。“这导致了许多不公正的罚款和法律纠纷, 这对运输行业构成了重大挑战,我们呼吁有关部门立即纠正这一 问题。” 根据2010年陆路公共交通法令,任何违法者都可能被处以1千令 吉至50万令吉的罚款、最高两年的监禁以及没收卡车的惩罚。在 这方面,他表示,许多成员都认为该法律过于严苛,特别是业者 面对着移动秤重量差异的不公问题。 “我们呼吁交通部重新评估其称重设备,并与公众分享测试数 据。”他补充说。 当晚的亮点包括该公会的理事就职典礼、筹募新会所基金、柔佛 罗里同业公会与宝马经销商Millennium Welt Batu Pahat签署五 年合约,响应绿色环保促销和切蛋糕仪式等活动。 48 truck & bus news 2023/6 

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