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pathy The primary objective of the the CSO team was to furnish information information about products services and the the the company In addi- tion tion tion to to to to providing information information Hino said they should actively lis- ten to to to to customers gather their insights to to to to understand its product strengths and identify areas of improvement The latest addition to Hino's Total Support contest contest the the ‘Best in in Town’ category was aligned seamlessly with the the the overall contest contest theme Tailored for second-generation Hino dealership owners this ‘prestigious competition’ focused on on on on on acknowledging and and celebrating outstanding ‘Best in in in in in Town’ activities conducted by Hino's 3S dealerships The grand prize Overall 3S Champion included the ‘prestigious’ Challenge Trophy RM3 000 000 and and and and a a a a a a a a a a a trip to Thailand for six partici- pating members The 1st and and and and 2nd runners-up received RM2 000 000 000 and and and and RM1 RM1 000 000 000 respectively Category champions (Sales Service Spare-Parts CSO) won RM1 RM1 000 000 and and and and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Thailand trip while the 1st and and and and 2nd runners-up in in in each category received RM500 and and and and RM200 Combined with ‘Best in in in in Town’ prizes participants could win nearly RM100 000! In the the the ‘Best in Town’ contest the the the Champion received a a a a a a trophy trophy and and and and RM5 000 000 000 the the the the 1st runner-up runner-up got a a a a a a a a a trophy trophy trophy and and and and RM3 000 000 000 and and and and the the 2nd runner-up runner-up obtained a a a a a a trophy trophy and and and RM2 000 000 AWS Jaya Motors Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd secured the title of Overall 3S Champion with Lu & Sons Engineering Sdn Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd Bhd Bintulu being the the 1st runner-up runner-up and Daihatsu Malaysia Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd clinching the the 2nd runner-up runner-up position 日野汽车销售(马来西亚)私人有限公司近日在其位于 八打灵再也的总部举办了第九届年度日野全方位支援 (TS)大赛。 此次比赛吸引了来自15家日野授权代理商公司的95名熟练员工参 赛。据悉,这个以“城中最佳”为主题的竞赛,通过“最大限度 地提高车辆正常运行时间”和“最大限度地降低车辆生命周期 成本”这两个核心价值观,体现了对真正客户合作伙伴关系的 承诺。参赛者在销售、服务、备件、客户成功运营(CSO)和最新 的“城中最佳”五大类别的专业知识评估中,一较高下。马来西 亚日野表示,每个类别都反映了其成为大马最以客户为中心和最 可靠的商用车公司的使命,通过提供“最适合的产品”和“全方 位支援”为更好的生活环境做出贡献。 与日野强调提供最合适的产品销售理念一致,销售类别参赛者必 须通过理论和实践评估,而评估的标准是他们对日野产品的理解 和对全面支援计划的熟悉度。 这些参赛者的任务是向客户解释日野全方位支援概念。这包括维护 合同、免费服务计划(FSP)、日野连接(Hino Connect)、日野 会员计划,以及对全新日野汽车销售和结账技能的熟练度等方面。 马来西亚日野表示,公司的服务品质是影响售后声誉的关键,良 好的品牌形象取决于客户的满意度。因此,服务类别竞赛旨在培 养顶尖,分为服务技术员和服务顾问的技术人才,让他们角逐“ 城中最佳”的称号。 在服务技术员类别中,参赛者的任务是为中型商用(MCV)卡车排 除故障,该卡车拥有与去年轻型商用车(LCV)不同的独特挑战。 此评估的重点是模拟演习,测试他们的修复和诊断技能,以及排 除故障和纠正问题的能力。 16 truck & bus news 2024/1 至于服务顾问类别,则是通过角色扮演,让客户询问有关其卡车 的技术问题,以测试参赛的服务顾问能否友善且明确地向客户解 释。该评估的重点在于服务顾问与客户的流畅互动。 零部件类别对参赛者进行了日野产品知识、5S&7存储技术以及日 野基础零部件识别等方面的测试。零件顾问类别的实际测试涉及 仓库活动的角色扮演,例如选择、装箱、包装和收货。参赛者接 受挑战,并评估他们使用HIECHO-X,一种用于查找日野零件编号 系统的熟练程度。 客户成功运营(CSO)发挥着关键作用,致力于与日野及其客户建 立深厚的联系。成功的CSO团队成员应具备重要的软技能,例如 有效沟通和同理心。CSO团队的主要目标是提供有关产品、服务 和公司的信息。日野表示,除了提供信息之外,他们还应该积极 倾听客户的意见,收集他们的见解,以了解其产品优势并确定需 要改进的领域。 日野全面支援大赛的最新成员“城中最佳”类别与整个竞赛主题无 缝衔接。这项享有盛誉的竞赛专为第二代日野代理商业主量身定 制,旨在表彰和庆祝日野3S代理商开展的杰出“城中最佳”活动。 大奖为3S总冠军,包括挑战奖杯、3 000令吉以及6名参赛者的泰 国之旅。第一名和第二名分别获得2 000令吉和1 000令吉。类别 总冠军(销售、服务、备件、CSO)赢得RM1 000和泰国之旅,而 每个类别的第一和第二亚军则分别获得500令吉和200令吉。加 上“城中最佳”奖品,参与者可获得近100 000令吉的奖金! 在“城中最佳”比赛中,冠军获得一座奖杯和5 000令吉,亚军 获得一座奖杯和 获得一座奖杯和 3 000令吉,季军获得一座奖杯和2 000令吉。 AWS Jaya Motors私人有限公司荣获3S总冠军,民都鲁Lu & Sons Engineering私人有限公司屈居亚军,大发马来西亚私人有限公 司则是季军得主。 Contestants in in in action during the Hino 9th Total Support (TS) Contest Contest 2023 Hino Hino Malaysia Managing Director Hiroshi Takahashi with the winners of Hino Hino 9th Total Support (TS) Contest 2023 held at Petaling Jaya recently 

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