Page 36 - TNB 2024-1
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driver’s cab The children were brought around the the the truck so that they could learn blind spot education at at at the the the the rear front and side of the the vehicle Following a a a a a a safety briefing on the the the correct way to to get up and down from the the the driver’s driver’s cab the the the children climbed in fin in in for a a a a a a a a a a driver’s driver’s view to to see see what could could and couldn’t be be be seen when driving a a a a a a a a a a large truck Their excitement was evident as as they made a a a a a a a a beeline for it it They were also shown various animated road road safety safety videos to further instil in in in in in in them the the the basics of maintaining road road safety safety rules and and good pedestrian habits The youngsters also participated in in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a simple and and fun truck road safety pop quiz in in which everyone received a a a a goodie bag The programme continued with with an an interactive virtual field trip to to the the Singapore Zoo that allowed them to to get up close with with ani- mals like orangutans giraffes rhinoceroses tigers and and and zebras and and learn about their habitat diet and and lifespan A pen pal programme connected the the children with peers in in in the the Philippines and and and Japan fostering friendships through virtual meet-and-greet sessions and and and and subsequent letter exchanges This regional initiative aims to inspire cultural exchange exchange and and and instil di- versity in in the children GP Joseph Senior Home Home Manager at at Shelter Home Home expressed gratitude for the the the meaningful activities organised by UD Trucks and and TCIE as these contributed to to the the the the children's well-being and and were aligned with Shelter Home's mission to to help them over- come trauma The event concluded with everyone being treated to lunch 马来西亚UD卡车中心(UD Trucks Hub Malaysia)最近 举办了一场年终企业社会责任(CSR)活动,并与独家 经销商陈唱工业用具有限公司(TCIE)的职员一起为 雪兰莪八打灵再也Shelter Home的孩子们带来了许多欢乐和独特 的体验。 在这半天的活动中,孩子们参与了各种体验式活动,包括“了解 卡车”道路安全醒觉运动、参加新加坡动物园虚拟之旅,以及结 交菲律宾和日本儿童院的笔友。值得一提的是,UD Trucks的 员工也在他们各自的区域同步举办了类似的企业社会责任活动。 马来西亚UD卡车中心总经理苏普里奥诺(Supriono Madayin)以 该公司的企业社会责任倡议简介,拉开了Shelter Home活动的帷 幕。他说,UD Trucks通过其企业社会责任倡议,体现了它致力 于为人们创造更美好生活的企业宗旨。 Shelter Home成立于1981年,旨在为那些受虐待、被遗弃、被忽 视或处于高风险状况的小孩提供安全住所。此外,Shelter Home 也为这些小孩提供教育和辅导。目前,有35名年龄在5岁至18岁 之间的男孩和女孩在Shelter Home居住。 苏普里奥诺说:“UD Trucks‘让人们过上美好生活’(Better Life for the People)理念的核心价值之一是与我们周围不幸 的社会群体建立联系。我们在世界各地进行的其中一项计划是学 生交通安全意识活动,旨在教育和宣传防范交通意外的方法,尤 其是涉及卡车的交通事故。我们通过使用真正的重型卡车向孩子 们传授知识,展示卡车的盲点,让他们了解卡车的体积和转弯时 所需的空间。” 36 truck & bus news 2024/1 The boys taking turns to meet their new overseas pen pals Supriono Madayin General Manager UD Trucks Hub Malaysia showing road safety video and explaining to the children 陈唱工业用具有限公司为此次活动提供了一辆UD Quester重型 卡车,使孩子们能够亲身体验,了解与卡车相关的风险和安全措 施。活动负责人首先向孩子们介绍卡车底盘和驾驶室的功能及特 征,每一位小孩都专心聆听大人的分享。随后,他们被带往卡车 的后部、前部和侧面,了解每一区的盲点。 在掌握了上下驾驶室的正确方法后,孩子们有机会进入卡车驾驶 室,从司机座位查看他们所能看到和看不见的范围。当他们登上 卡车驾驶室时,每个人都流露出兴奋之情。 除了“了解卡车”的环节,他们还观看了各种道路安全的动画视 频,以进一步向他们灌输遵守道路安全规则和良好行人习惯的知 识。此外,这些孩子还参加了一个简单有趣的卡车道路安全小测 验,每个人还收到了一个礼包。 为了给孩子们带来更多欢乐,UD卡车还组织了一场新加坡动物园 的虚拟之旅,让他们与护林员进行现场互动,参观野生动物,体 验与众不同的动物园之旅。在这次虚拟之旅中,孩子们近距离观 赏了人猿、长颈鹿、犀牛、老虎和斑马等动物,并且也有机会了 解这些动物的栖息地、饮食和寿命。 此外,UD Trucks还为孩子们安排了一场结交笔友的活动,让他 们认识来自菲律宾和日本的新朋友。他们可以通过虚拟方式交 流,建立友谊,之后就通过书信往来深化联系。这一区域倡议旨 在激发文化交流并向儿童灌输多元文化。 Shelter Home高级护理经理GP Joseph感谢UD Trucks和陈唱工业 用具有限公司举办了这个如此有意义,使他们受益匪浅的活动, 并表示这与Shelter Home的使命一致。 活动结束前,每个人都享用了一顿丰富的午餐。 

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