Page 29 - TNB 2024-2
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always thinks one step ahead to ensure its partners' businesses thrive sustain- ably both environmentally and econom- ically This year marks the the the introduction of the the the TF Canter the the the first Euro 5 light-du- ty ty truck in in Malaysia which exemplifies HSTD's commitment to sustainability by offering robust solutions that advance emission reduction fuel efficiency safe- ty and comfort without compromising performance This innovation not only underscores HSTD's dedication to en- vironmental responsibility but also pro- vides significant long-term benefits to partners aligning with the company's for- ward-thinking business practices ” Sim extended gratitude to to dealers and customers by acknowledging that their support was instrumental in in in in reaching this milestone The event was seen as as not just a a a a a celebra- tion tion of of of FUSO's ‘six decades of of of excellence but also a a a a a a a a a a reaffirmation of of of its commitment’ to to innovation and and value creation for part- ners and and customers 3月5日,扶桑于合成大厦3(Menara Hap Seng 3)举行了盛大的最终回合 抽奖活动,庆祝其60周年纪念日。 该活动吸引了其代理商和客户的热情参 与,彰显了扶桑在社区内建立强大关系的 持久承诺。 此次活动的亮点是公布大奖得主:Sam Global Marketing赢得了令人垂涎,价值 293 000令吉的马赛地C200。此外,还有 10名幸运儿分别获得了价值1 000令吉的 扶桑零件及服务券,为该场盛会增添了不 少激情和色彩。 与会者还抢先观赏将在大马首次亮相的 扶桑车型的独家预告视频。此举体现了 该品牌对创新和确保客户满意度的承 诺。 合成卡车分销私人有限公司(HSTD)首席执 行员Derrick Sim对该活动的成功表示自 豪,并重申HSTD对可持续性发展和前瞻性 商业实践的承诺。 他强调说:“无论是在环境还是经济方 面,HSTD始终着眼于未来,以确保其合作 伙伴业务的可持续发展。我们于今年推出 了TF Canter,这是马来西亚首款欧5轻型 卡车。凭借其强大的解决方案,该车型在 不影响性能的情况下实现了减排、提高燃 油效率、安全性和舒适性,体现了HSTD对 可持续发展的承诺。这一创新产品不仅体 现了HSTD重视环境责任,还为合作伙伴提 供了重大的长期利益,与公司的前瞻性商 业实践的目标保持一致。” 此外,他也向其代理商和客户致谢,并表 示他们的支持对该公司实现这一里程碑至 关重要。 该活动对HSTD而言,不仅是庆祝扶桑60年 来的卓越成就,也成了该品牌恪守创新理 念,为合作伙伴与客户增值的明证。 A group photo of 10 winners who received FUSO Parts and Service vouchers worth RM1 000 each 29 truck & bus news 2024/2 

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