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Manish Thakore Appointed as Chief Financial Officer of DICV

Manish Thakore DICV

DICV has appointed Manish Thakore, currently Managing Director of Daimler Financial Services India Pvt. Ltd, as their new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

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Manish started his career with Daimler in 2000 as a Fleet Analyst in the USA after which he took over several managerial roles within Truck Credit Management of Daimler’s Financial Services business. From 2011 to 2018, he led credit operations as part of the management team in the newly established Daimler Financial Services entity in India.

Between 2019 and 2020 Manish acted as Vice President of Credit & Key Accounts at the Regional Headquarters of Daimler Financial Services AAP based in Singapore. In his most recent role as Managing Director of Daimler Financial Services India, Manish played an instrumental part in improving the profitability of the business by strongly focusing on operational processes such as collections. At the same time, he and his team also initiated a ‘Digital Customer Journey’ with the rollout of several digital initiatives that enhanced efficiency, reduced process turnaround time, and improved customer experience.

Mr. Satyakam Arya, Managing Director and CEO of Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, said, “We are pleased to welcome Manish Thakore to take up his new role at DICV. His entrepreneurial mindset, rich financial background and digital transformation experience makes him a perfect fit for our management team. Our customers, dealers, employees and other stakeholders will all certainly benefit from his strong knowledge of the Indian market environment as well as his vast international experience.”

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