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New Vehicles from Scania Malaysia Are Now FAME Ready

Scania Malaysia FAME Ready

Scania vehicle owners who intend to use blends above B10 such as B20 and B100 must have their vehicle FAME prepared.

Is Your Scania Famed Prepared ?

All vehicles ordered from Scania (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. on 15 December or later will be FAME prepared. They are able to run on all blends of diesel and biodiesel ranging from 0 per cent biodiesel to 100 per cent biodiesel, such as B0, B10, B20 and B100. There are no changes to the warranty conditions if the Scania vehicle was sold by Scania Malaysia. The warranty will be valid when running on all blends of diesel and biodiesel, ranging from 0 per cent biodiesel to 100 per cent biodiesel, including B10, B20, and B100.

FAME is the abbreviation for Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, which is the technical term for the biodiesel that is produced in Malaysia. Scania vehicle owners who intend to use blends above B10 such as B20 and B100 must have their vehicle FAME prepared as without FAME-preparation, vehicles may not run in an optimum way. Maintenance will not be affected if vehicles are operating on the regular diesel (B10) that is available in today’s market. Depending on the type of operations, service interval can change if vehicles are operating on blends above B10 such as B20. It is always recommended to seek advice from a Scania workshop to get the correct service interval for each Scania vehicle.

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