Many readers may be unaware of exactly how a retread is manufactured, so in order to avoid the plethora of misinformation about retreading, in our third article on this subject we focus on the manufacturing process.
Understanding Hot Cure vs Cold Cure Retreading Methods
There are, in fact, two distinct methods of manufacturing retreaded, these being known as hot cure or mould cure on the one hand, and cold cure or precure on the other. The difference between the two processes lies in how the tyres are built and cured, so the beginning of the process is the same for both processes.
Using casings are first collected, sorted by size and inspected for damage to make sure the tyres can be safely retreaded. This is generally carried out by trained personnel, who inspect the tyre visually. However, tyres may also be checked by tyre testing equipment such as nailhole detectors or shearography equipment.
The old tread is then removed from the casing using a buffing machine. This process reveals minor injuries which are repaired using air buffers, buffout tools, stone grinders and brushes in a process known as skiving. The hole created during this process are then filled in with rubber using a hand held extruder gun……
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接着使用轮胎打磨机除掉胎体上的旧胎面。在这个过程中将发现轻微的损伤,可以使用空气缓冲器、打磨工具、手摩机(stone grinders)和刷子在称为刮削的过程中修复轮胎。然后,在该过程中将橡胶填充在磨损处,并以手持式挤胶枪涂敷胶水……