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PMLOA Urges Government to Review Hefty Fines on Overloading

PMLOA Hefty Fines Overloading

PMLOA propose the implementation of non-monetary penalties and extending the responsibility to include drivers and consigners on overloading.

PMLOA: Hefty Fines on Overloading Might Increase instances of bribery

Pan-Malaysia Lorry Owners Association (PMLOA) has urged the government to review the hefty fines imposed on lorry operators, especially for overloading.

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) used the provisions under the Land Public Transport Agency (APAD) Act against the offenders. Under this Act, lorry operators that caught overloading are liable to a fine between RM1,000 to RM500,000 or to a maximum 2 years’ jail, or both,” said PMLOA President Datuk Ng Koong Sinn in a press conference.

He pointed out that under the JPJ Act previously, both lorry driver and operator would be charged with a fine of RM 2,000 each. However, in the latest enforcement only the lorry operators are summoned, and there is no provision in the APAC Act to penalise the lorry drivers and consignors who are also equally responsible.

“The JPJ officers had issued hefty summonses against lorry operators under the APAD Act, and there were more than 10 cases up to now. What made the members even more concerned was that one of the operators was slapped with a fine as high as RM40,000. Thus, the Association urged the Transport Ministry to look into this matter and that JPJ officers could use provisions under the JPJ Act.”

Ng stressed that PMLOA is fully aware of the good intention in imposing penalties on operators in overloading of cargoes for the safety of other road users as well as to avoid undue damage to the roads. However, with due respect to the law and intention, the Association disagreed with the manner in which the APAC Act was administrated.

“Our concern is the possibility that it may give rises to increased instances of bribery by operators or owners and corruption by enforcement officers. We do hope that the Government would review the existing regulations and propose the implementation of non-monetary penalties and extending the responsibility to include drivers and consigners. Tools such as demerit point system on the driver’s or operator’s license could be used as a deterrent.”

The Association currently has more than 2,000 members in 12 states.



马来西亚罗里同业总会(PMLOA) 呼吁政府检讨对罗里运输业者处以巨额罚款的法令,特别是超载。


他指出,按照过去的陆路交通法令,超载的违例罗里司机和运输公司各罚款2,000令吉。然而,按照最新的陆路公共交通法令,只处罚罗里运输公司, 而没处罚同样有责任的司机和托运人。





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