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Scania Ipoh Branch Celebrates its First 10 Years of Establishment

Scania Ipoh Branch Celebrates

Scania celebrated its first 10 years of excellence in Ipoh with all the personnel at the Scania Sales and Services Centre Ipoh branch

Scania Ipoh Branch Pledge to Continue Building Sustainable Partnership

Scania celebrated its first 10 years (F10Y) in Ipoh by pledging to continue building sustainable partnerships that help its customers achieve profitability for business and the environment.

The celebration, which was held internally with all the personnel at the Scania Malaysia Sales and Services Centre Ipoh branch (SMYIPH), was also graced with the presences of Heba El Tarifi, Managing Director of Scania Southeast Asia, Thor Brenden, Services Director of Scania Southeast Asia, Wong NyookLin, Regional Manager – Region North, Scania Southeast Asia and Wan Noaimadudin, Workshop Manager, SMYIPH.

The ceremony included a signing on the commemorative F10Y insignia, a ceremonial cutting of the F10Y cake and a special award awarding the staff that had worked there since its inception with a First 10 Years Award.

SMYIPH’s success since 2011 has been attributed to building sustainable partnerships as part of Scania Malaysia’s wide network of sales & services branches,” said Heba.

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斯堪尼亚怡保分行庆祝成立首个 10 周年

斯堪尼亚庆祝它在怡保营运首 10 周年 (F10Y),并承诺继续建立可持续的合作伙伴关系,帮助其客户实现业务和环境盈利。

斯堪尼亚马来西亚销售及服务中心怡保分公司 (SMYIPH) 的全体员工,在该公司内部举行庆祝活动。与会者包括斯堪尼亚东南亚区董事经理赫芭(Heba El Tarifi)、斯堪尼亚东南亚区服务总监索尔(Thor Brenden)、斯堪尼亚北马区域经理 Wong NyookLin,以及SMYIPH修车厂经理旺(Wan Noaimadudin)。欢庆会的节目包括首十周年纪念标志签名仪式、首十周年纪念切蛋糕仪式,以及向已服务十年的职员颁发首十年奖励。

赫芭说:“作为马来西亚斯堪尼亚广泛销售和服务分行网络的一员,SMYIPH不断建立可持续性发展合作关系 ,使它自 2011 年迄今,成就辉煌…..。”


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