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SuperNice Adds 10 Scania Coaches to its Fleet

SuperNice Scania Coaches Fleet
SuperNice Express has expended its fleet by an additional ten Scania coaches.

SuperNice Benefits from Scania Credit Malaysia’s Flexible Financing Solutions

SuperNice Express, the brand name for Express Seni Budaya (M) Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of the Unimax Group of Companies has expanded its fleet by an additional ten coaches, financed by Scania Credit and under Ecolution partnership.

The additional ten SuperNice coaches consist of four new Scania K360IB4x2 units, plus six refurbished pre-owned Scania K360IB4x2 (4 units) and Scania K310IB4x2 (2 units).

With Scania Financial assistance, ...

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