Publication Dates

Truck & Bus News is a specialist business-to-business magazine (Print & Digital) aimed at the professional commercial vehicle & bus operator.

The magazine is targeted specifi cally at leading decision makers within the truck & bus industry, truck & bus fl eet managers, lorry owners, logistics companies & companies offering services to the commercial vehicle sector such as truck tyre dealers, fl eet management companies, parts & lubricants suppliers etc.

The emphasis of the magazine is on feature type articles including company profi les, interviews, product features & reviews on events within the Malaysian truck & bus sector. An international industry news section is also included.

Truck & Bus News is printed in English and Mandarin Chinese making the magazine accessible to a wide range of readers within Malaysia.within Malaysia and Singapore as well as within the wider South East Asian and Chinese markets.


Unlike other general automotive sector magazines, Truck & Bus News is highly targeted at business readers and is not sold to the general public. Each issue of Truck & Bus News currently reaches 7,000 truck & bus fleet industry players in Malaysia through a variety of media channels including a nationally distributed print magazine, a digital version, a regularly updated website and newsblog, a dedicated e-newsletter and an active social media presence.




Issue 2024/1


20th January 2024

Issue 2024/2


20th March 2024

Issue 2024/3


20th May 2024

Issue 2024/4


20th July 2024

Issue 2024/5


20th September 2024

Issue 2024/6


20th November 2024

Circulation Details

Truck & Bus News Published 6 Times Per Year and has a mailing list of 7,000. Strong even distribution throughout Malaysiaand Singapore. Distributed to: truck and bus fleet managers, lorry owners, logistics companies, truck tyre dealers, fleet management companies, parts and lubricants suppliers in Malaysia and Singapore.