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UD Trucks Conducted an Online Survey

UD Trucks Online Survey

UD Trucks survey reveals that truck drivers want better health care support and fatigue-reducing features.

UD Trucks Released Results of Their Poll

UD Trucks conducted an online survey of some 200 transportation company managers and 200 drivers in Japan between June 2 and June 5.

Transportation and logistics firms in Japan are facing growing difficulties in securing truck drivers, but some seem to be falling short of providing better support around health and reducing fatigue, according to a survey by UD Trucks.

According to the survey, more than 70% of transportation company managers are experiencing a driver shortage. As a means of resolving the situation the following answers were cited:

  • Reducing required work hours of drivers (50%)
  • Increasing salary of drivers (48%)
  • Hiring younger drivers (31%)
  • Providing better health care support of drivers (30%)

On the subject of health care, over 91% of transportation company managers said it was “vital” to manage the health of their drivers.

Conversely, only 23% of the 200 drivers surveyed thought that their employers were doing enough to reduce the burden of driving or improve their health. Nearly all drivers surveyed felt that it was essential to have decent health management measures in place, while some 80% cited difficulties in doing so within their own capacity without the support of their employers.

Asked about the need for advanced drive assist features that help reduce fatigue, nearly 90% of the drivers wanted their employers to introduce trucks with such features. Among drivers between the age of 20 and 39, 100% wanted to drive trucks with such fatigue-reducing features, according to the survey.

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