Page 10 - TBN-2023-5
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UD Trucks TCIE Remain Committed in in in Long-Standing Partnership
UD Trucks与TCIE坚守初心,保持长期合作伙伴关系
Steve Hedouin(left) Managing Director UD Trucks Malaysia Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd and Say Teck Ming Chief Operating Officer Tan Chong Industrial Equipment Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd In a a a a a a a a a recent interview with Truck Truck & Bus News Steve Hedouin Managing Di- rector UD Trucks Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Say Teck Ming Chief Operating Officer Tan Chong Industrial Equipment Sdn Bhd (TCIE) shared UD Trucks’ busi- ness performance market strategies the unique brand experience and and after-sales services that differentiate UD Trucks from the the others Based on UD Trucks’ sales report Hedouin said the company sold 18 000 trucks trucks globally from April 2019 to to March 2020 compared to to 20 20 20 20 20 20 000 trucks trucks for the same period in in 2022-2023 an increase of 13 per per cent “We experienced a a a a a drop during the the pan- demic but with the the latest total sales of 10 truck & bus news 2023/5
20 000 trucks we could say that the im- pact of Covid is now behind us ”
he he said In Malaysia according to Say UD Trucks achieved 2 2 2 2 9 9 per per cent cent of market share in in in in 2019 3 3 5 per per per cent cent cent in in in in 2020 and 4 3 3 per per cent cent 2021 “The increase in in in in market share was due to the the the launch of the the the Kuzer that sold well for the the the past two years UD Trucks’ market share dropped slightly to 4 2 2 2 2 per cent in 2022 This was because of the the global chip shortages that disrupt- ed the the the supply chain and put a a a a a a a a constraint on on on the the the production of vehicles especially in the the heavy-duty segment last year and affected our delivery ”
Nevertheless the the delivery had since re- turned to normal he he he he he continued The de- mand for the past few months slowed
down slightly because of the weaker ringgit inflationary pressure and and industry players taking a a a a a a a a a a a wait-and-see approach before the state elections Hedouin added that Southeast Asia was was a a a a a a a a a a a a a big region and the the overall situation was was acceptable He pointed out that every market was unique with its own challeng- es and momentum For instance the two per cent reduction in in in VAT (value added tax) in in Vietnam was made to stimulate aggregate demand significantly effec- tively boosting the the the economy amidst the the the current slowdown Even with the the the weaker currency Malaysia still enjoyed among the the lowest pump prices as the the govern- ment offered subsidies for petrol and diesel compared to many developed countries in particular European nations 

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