Page 18 - TBN-2023-5
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improve bus efficiency as a a a a a a whole Using lighter materials and innovative designs support this new direction as weight re- duction means better fuel/energy con- sumption ” he stressed Opportunities and moving forward
Most interviewees shared that the market’s transition to to electric vehicles might take time due to to limited government support In- frastructure readiness and incentives were crucial for private sector adoption “Progress has been made with a a a a particu-
日野、沃尔沃、斯堪尼亚、曼恩、宇通、 金龙是本地市场中知名的巴士车底盘制 造商。这些著名的品牌为马来西亚多样 化的巴士车队提供了基本框架。Badan- bas、Beck Automotive Eng私人有限 公司、Coach and Aircond Industries私 人有限公司、Global Komited私人有限公 司、New Hup Lee Coach Manufacturing私 人有限公司、Pioneer Coachbuilders 私 人有限公司、RTG Intech Corp(马)私人有 限公司、Sin Hock Leong Coach Works私人 有限公司、SKS Coachbuilders私人有限公 司、Tact Coach & Seat Manufacturing私 人有限公司、Terus Maju服务私人有限公 司、Truckquip私人有限公司及TW Jaya企 业等都是为本地巴士和长途巴士的质量和 舒适度做出贡献的车身制造商。
在后新冠疫情时代,马来西亚日野察觉到 各种巴士领域都有了具体改善,城市巴士 和长途巴士细分市场的增长最为显著。 据该公司表示,这些都是该公司不遗余 力推动其倡议如Projek Rentas Negeri Sembilan、森美兰州的城市巴士运营以及 吉兰丹州哥打巴鲁的城市巴士运营等的结 果,上述这些该公司所倡议的项目涉及了 大量巴士。此外,马来西亚半岛的接驳巴 士车队则有开辟新增长途径的潜能。
“在泰国/新加坡边境的重新开放后,巴 士市场开始逐渐增长,长途巴士公司自那 时起就满负荷运营。然而不幸的是旅游巴 士领域深受疫情影响,游客数量锐减,尤 其是来自中国的游客数量的下降,导致需 求相对减少。”
斯堪尼亚东南亚区营销与通讯总监Ian Tan、曼恩商用车公司澳大利亚及大中华 区巴士车业务主管奎普伊斯(Tom Kuiphu- is),以及我们采访的车身制造商也注 意到城市巴士车的增长最大,接着是长 巴。Ian Tan指出,城市巴士运营商已经宣 布了增加和更新车队的计划。需求主要集 中在城市、郊区和介于两者之间的部分。 疫情过后,长巴市场将继续增长,并有望 恢复到疫情前的水平。
奎普伊斯表示:“马来西亚的新高速公路 网络,包括西海岸、东海岸和泛婆罗洲高 速公路,奠定了长巴服务需求激增的基 础。”
Kuiphuis highlighted the manufacturer’s commitment to minimising its environ- mental footprint through material selec- tion innovative aerodynamic designs and increased bus capacity Additionally the the company also noted a a a a a a new and exciting segment in in the the mar- ket – semi-luxury buses equipped with amenities such as toilets entertain- ment rooms and on-board meal servic- es catering to passengers seeking an an an an enhanced comfort and luxurious travel experience Challenges identified by Kuiphuis and the the body builder included the the global economic uncertainty and unstable ex- change rate resulting in in in in increased cost pressure These factors had an an an an impact on on new bus demand affecting the man- ufacturers’ production schedule and and profitability Other opportunities Kuiphuis continued were changing mobility mobility trends such as ride-sharing micro-mobility autonomous vehicles as as well as as truck modernisation that could affect traditional bus demand However there was also an an an opportunity for manufactures to provide state-of-the- art efficient buses as existing fleets need to be replaced or upgraded “A shortage of skilled manpower had led led to increased labour costs which could affect a a a a a a a a company’s overall profitability ” added the body builder 18 truck & bus news 2023/5
lar emphasis on on depot charging strate- gies Among the most promising areas for electric bus bus adoption are are city buses ” added Kuiphuis In conclusion Malaysia's bus industry is evolving in in in in response to changing market dynamics and and newfound opportunities It aims to provide safe efficient and and and sus- tainable transport in in the the post-pandemic era With the the the aid of of advanced technolo- gies the the future of of bus services is is poised to be be more efficient data-driven and pas- senger-centric than ever before 域,可以推动国家的移动性和经 马 来西亚巴士市场不仅仅只是关于 运输。它是一个充满活力的领
济增长。从充满活力的城市街道到乡村道 路,公共巴士是我国交通系统不可或缺的一 部分。本地市场里有着不同类型的巴士,如 城市巴士、校车、长途和旅游巴士。
根据专门从事数据收集和可视化的德国在 线平台Statista的数据,马来西亚巴士市 场的收入预计到了2023年将达到2 311亿 美元。城市化的快速发展和不断增加的人 口是推动市场增长的其中一些关键因素。 这一期的《卡客车新闻》特别采访了本地 的一些主要巴士车底盘和车身制造业者, 从经济、市场趋势、挑战、商机、塑造该 行业未来的创新等方面来探索这个充满活 力的行业。

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