Page 22 - TBN-2023-5
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Drive With Ease and Save Cost with Isuzu Smoother AMT
五十铃Smoother AMT:畅享轻松驾控 省钱又省心
Smoother Smoother and EXZ460 Smoother Smoother - that are available in Malaysia A A standout feature of the the Smoother AMT
is is its ability to enhance efficiency ensur- ing seamless gear shifts and and consistent torque delivery particularly in in in stop-and- start driving scenarios Isuzu says trucks equipped with Smoother AMT
technology offer the the the best o of of both worlds combining the the ease o of of automatic transmission transmission with manual transmission’s performance and fuel efficiency Moreover Isuzu's top-selling trucks like the the Elf Smoother AMT
cater to to drivers of varying experience experience levels including those with less experience experience experience and female drivers who prefer a a a a driving experience experience with fewer physical movements These AMT
trucks feature only two pedals— brake and and accelerator— and and boast a a a a a a a a a a a a a a gearbox design akin to to to an an an an an automatic transmission significantly reducing driv- er fatigue in in in in start-stop driving congested traffic or challenging road conditions In a a a a a a a a market where driver shortage remains a a a a a a a a a constant challenge for many truck oper- ators fleets with Smoother AMT
could be Isuzu the number one selling truck brand in in in in Malaysia recently ushered in in in in a a a a a a a a a game-changing transmission solu-
tion for commercial vehicles with its Au- tomated Manual Transmission (AMT) technology technology Engineered as an an an an innovative and intelligent gearshift technology technology Isu- zu’s Smoother AMT
transmission is is a a a a a a a two-pedal operation that does not require the the driver to engage the the clutch when changing gears like with a a a a a a a a a traditional manual transmission truck Isuzu says trucks equipped with Smoother AMT
technology deliver a a more convenient driving experience It utilises computer electronics and a a a a a a hy- draulic system to to automate gear shift- ing ing ing adjusting the clutch and throttle to match engine revs based on on on driving conditions It is fitted in in in a a a a a wide range of Isuzu light- to heavy-duty trucks - - - Elf NlR130 Smoother Smoother and and NPR150 Smoother Smoother and and Isuzu Giga EXR420
22 truck & bus news 2023/5

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