Page 26 - TBN-2023-6
P. 26

Sendok Group Launches New All-Electric CAM EA4 信诺集团推出新款全电动CAM EA4 Sendok Group recently added the the the new CAM EA4 to to its electric van se- ries Compared to to the the previously in- troduced CAM CAM EC35 the the CAM CAM EA4 boasts a a a a a a a larger vehicle size and is essentially a a a a a a a full electric version of the CAM Placer-X A4 For those unfamiliar with this vehicle brand CAM is is is is a a a a a a a a a Malaysian entity estab- lished in in 2009 to specialise in in the produc- tion of of light commercial vehicles under R&A Marketing Sdn Bhd a a a a a part of of of the Sendok Group With a a a a a a a a a robust network of of sales sales and after-sales centres nationwide CAM Malaysia became a a a a a a a a a a a well-known name in in in in the industry since its founding Under the the umbrella of CAM EV Malay- sia's pioneering electric van series the the CAM EC35 made its debut in in January 26 truck & bus news 2023/6 

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