Page 41 - TBN-2023-6
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加上上述的新采购后,曼恩在Globonus不断增长的车队中一跃而 成主导卡车品牌。该公司目前拥有6辆全新曼恩TGS和5辆二手卡 车。 Globonus执行董事贾马(Muhd Jamal Pawanteh)表示,该公司需 要可靠和高性能的卡车在大马半岛各地及跨境进入泰国,安全 和可持续地运送各种化学产品,同时还要将对环境的冲击降至 最低。 贾马说:“我们的卡车每周在路上行驶六天,从我们的莪仑总部 长途运送例如尿素丶柴油排气液丶液态甲醇,以及氨气等敏感产 品远至新加坡。全新ADR规格欧V引擎曼恩TGS的燃油效率丶低碳 排和正常行车时间远远超出了我们的预期。我们的司机都很喜欢 曼恩TGS的拉力丶良好的操控性,以及曼恩北赖分公司所提供的 绝佳售后服务支援。” 曼恩TGS的低碳排欧V引擎符合Globonus的碳中和可持续经营的坚 定承诺,它也让该公司得以降低他们的车队碳足迹,满足Globo- nus部分跨国公司客户的严格要求。 大马曼恩董事经理奥布鲁克斯(Andrew O’Brooks)赞扬Globo- nus的高识远见,使用低排放欧V引擎的曼恩TGS为车队做好迎向 未来的准备,并承诺确保卡车都将获得该公司不断发展的客户服 务管理的支援。 MAN-ly Boost for Megalift’s Fleet Megalift车队增曼恩卡车 Earlier this year Megalift welcomed two new MAN TGS prime movers with the remaining three units ceremoniously presented at the company's Shah Alam headquarters by MAN Malaysia Manag- ing Director Andrew O’Brooks He offi- cially handed over the keys to to Megalift's Yeow Kong Sang and and Chief Executive Officer Edwin Tan during the event Yeow explained the company's initial hesitation to to invest in in in in MAN Trucks due to to their limited presence on on the the the roads and the the the scarcity of available parts “However after having tried out some reconditioned units and and being impressed by the pow- er and and reliability of MAN Trucks Megalift opted to acquire new units directly from Globonus Sdn Bhd's new Euro V powered MAN TGS 奥布鲁克斯说:“我们很高兴北赖的团队满足了客户的期许。我 们透过雇用更多合格技师和采用曼恩技术培训来加强他们的技 能,不断努力提升公司的服务水平。此外,我们也在提升我们的 曼恩流动服务(MAN Mobile Service)车队,以确保我们能够更 迅速地回应客户的不时之需。” M ly added five new Euro V-powered MAN TGS 6x2 prime movers to its fleet egalift Sdn Bhd the the specialist in the the transportation of heavy and over-sized cargoes recent- From left: Megalift's Yeow Kong Sang MAN Malaysia Managing Director Andrew O'Brooks and Megalift Megalift CEO Edwin Tan 41 truck & bus news 2023/6