Page 42 - TBN-2023-6
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MAN MAN Malaysia Managing Director Andrew O'Brooks handing over a a a a a a a a a a a a mock key to to Megalift Megalift Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd CEO Megalift Megalift Sdn Sdn Bhd's Yeow Kong Sang in in in in the the driver seat of the the new Euro Edwin Tan MAN MAN Malaysia The increasing visibility of of new new MAN MAN MAN TGS on the the the road the the the es- tablishment of of the the the the new new MAN MAN Malaysia headquarters in Shah Alam and and the the commendable sales sales and and after-sales ser- vice further contributed to Megalift's con- fidence in the the brand ” Expressing gratitude for Megalift’s choice of the the Euro V-powered MAN MAN TGS O’Brooks assured the the company that MAN MAN Malaysia was continuously upgrading its after-sales capabilities to to to deliver even better support to to to customers “Our Port Klang branch’s workshop is now being renovated and we are in- creasing the number of mechanics at at all branches ” he he he said MAN trucks with Euro V engines as stan- dard are said to lead the way in in driver orientation fuel efficiency assistance sys- tems digital networking and sustainability The move MAN says reflects Megalift's commitment to modern efficient and envi- ronmentally friendly solutions for its heavy cargo transportation needs 专营重型和超大型货物运输的 Megalift私人有限公司车队新 增了5辆全新欧V引擎曼恩TGS 6x2拖柜卡车。 继今年稍早接收了两辆全新曼恩TGS 后,Megalift日前在其沙亚南总部从曼恩 42 truck & bus news 2023/6 V-powered MAN TGS 商用车私人有限公司手中接收了其馀的3 辆,大马曼恩董事经理奥布鲁克斯(An- drew O’Brooks)正式将车钥匙交给了 Megalift的饶广生和总执行长陈标杰。 饶广生解释说,该公司过去不太愿意投资 曼恩卡车,因为路上不常见到曼恩卡车, 市场上的零件也不多。“不过,试过翻新 卡车后,我们对曼恩卡车的动力和可靠性 留下了深刻印象,并决定直接向大马曼恩 购买新卡车。路上的全新曼恩TGS已愈来 愈常见,大马曼恩将新总部设在沙亚南, 加上销售和售后服务良好,在在都提升了 我们的信心。” 奥布鲁克斯在感谢Megalift选用欧V引擎曼 恩TGS时保证,大马曼恩将不断提升售后服 务能力,为客户提供更好的支援服务。 他说:“我们在巴生港的分公司车厂目前 正在装潢,我们的所有分公司也将增加技 师。” 标配了欧V引擎的曼恩卡车在司机定向、 燃油效率、辅助系统、数码网络及最 重要的可持续发展上领先群伦。曼恩表 示,此举体现了Megalift致力于为重型 货物运输需求提供现代、高效和环保的 解决方案。 Three new Euro V-powered MAN TGS 6x2 have joined Megalift Sdn Bhd’s fleet of more than 50 trucks 

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