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price points among others Numerous trials with customers in in the the transport and logistics sectors have proven that Shell Rimula’s synthetic range could offer su- perior wear protection remain in in grade for for for far longer and therefore help extend oil drain intervals for for for lower total costs of ownership ” explained Nyon He also highlighted that the the Shell Rimula R4 Plus an entry-level synthetic technol- ogy heavy duty engine oil would be a a a cost-effective next step up for fleet own- ers aiming to reduce the the carbon emis- sions of their vehicles 蚬壳马来西亚贸易私人有限公司 (Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd)近期发布了全新18公 升装的销量冠军Shell Rimula R4X重型柴 油引擎机油。 随著全新18公升装的推出,Shell Rimula R4X 15W 40如今拥有5种不同的容量,以满 足客户的不同需求。其他的容量包括209公 升装、20公升装、5公升装,以及1公升装。 Shell Rimula R4X采用蚬壳创新的Dynam- ic Protection技术配制而成,深受小型 与中型卡车司机和车主,以及重型机器 营运商的喜爱。它提供三重保护,据悉 在引擎和实验室测试,以及实际卡车驾 驶现场测试证实,它可以提供高于50%的 防酸性锈蚀保护。 此外,Mack T-10引擎测试还显示它能更好地 保护油膜,维持引擎重要部件的运行。它 比API CI-4的规范高出30%,可提高对引 擎的活塞环和气缸套的磨损保护。 引擎的清洁度也提高了50%,并能抵抗高 温氧化,使引擎免受沉积物的影响。它还 经过关键引擎测试验证,符合美国和欧洲 规范,可有效减少引擎不同组件的油泥。 蚬壳润滑油大马及新加坡总经理阮锦耀表 示,推出18公升装有助减少浪费,也让更 多人能够负担得起广受欢迎的Shell Rim- ula R4X。 他说:“这款容量比较小的包装很受大 马,越南及泰国的欢迎。我们相信大马客 户也会接受这款便利的新容量包装。你可 以在任何授权零部件专卖店或独立车厂买 了就走。” 尽管市场上不乏高效、碳排放更低的合成 润滑油,矿物油如Shell Rimula R4X还是 在大马目前的重型柴油引擎润滑油市场占 了约89%的份额。大马蚬壳表示,该公司 将更加努力,让更多客户了解使用合成油 的好处。 他说:“我们努力不懈地化解各种有关合 成润滑油的误解,例如‘更薄’的合成机 油无法提供重要的引擎保护能力,以及价 格‘更贵’等。物流运输业客户的大量测 试证明,Shell Rimula的合成系列产品具 有出色的磨损保护,也更耐用,并有助于 延长换油周期,进而降低总拥有成本。” 阮锦耀也强调,入门级合成技术重型柴油 引擎润滑油Shell Rimula R4 Plus对有意 降低车辆碳排放的车队业主来说,是他们 节省成本的下一步。 Nyon Kam Yew (left) with a a a a happy Shell Rimula R4X customer Shell Rimula Foresees Growth in Premium Heavy-Duty Lubricant Segment Shell Rimula看好优质重型引擎润滑油增长 brand of of heavy-duty diesel engine S “We are thankful for their resilience and unwavering support that have con- tributed to Shell Rimula remaining the best-selling HDDEO in in in in Malaysia year year after year year Together our collaborations have endured despite the the challenging global and local business environment ” he acknowledged As the world's leading lubricant sup- plier for 16 consecutive years Shell anticipates growth opportunities in the the premium synthetic HDDEO segment driven by the the the increasing demand in in in the the the transport industry for solutions that en- hance fuel efficiency and reduce emis- sions “We would continue to to explore opportuni- ties in in this sector In Asean 85 per cent of transport vehicles are still diesel powered despite the global shift towards BEVs or or battery electric vehicles High quality HD- DEOs like Shell Rimula play a a a a a key role in in in keeping these diesel-powered vehicles on on on the the the the road and the the the the economy going while reducing the the the industry’s carbon footprint ” Nyon added hell hell Malaysia attributed the past year’s success of of its Shell Rimula oil (HDDEO) in in in Malaysia to long-time business partnerships Speaking to about 300 guests at the 2023 edition of Rimula Gala Dinner in in in in Kota Kinabalu Sabah recently Shell Lubri- cants General Manager for Malaysia and Singapore Nyon Kam Yew expressed gratitude to to the company’s well-estab- lished network of loyal distributors and end-users 7 truck & bus news 2023/6 

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