Page 40 - TNB 2024-1
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Razman Elmi Zulkefli Senior Manager at Handal Berjaya China Motor After-sales and maintenance In after-sales and and maintenance Razman stressed the impor- tance of technician training for understanding electric electric van com- ponents such as high-voltage battery systems electric electric motors and power electronics HBCM's mechanics he said were IMI certified EV/Hybrid up to Level 3 having undergone training in in in in MRC Malaysia The company offered a a a a a a a a a a a a comprehensive five- year/200 000km warranty covering battery and EV EV components for the company’s Foton Iblue EV Panel Van “The after-sale procedure for electric and conventional vans are quite similar the the the the key distinction lies in in in in the the the the main components - the the the the the engine is is replaced by an an an electric motor and the the the the the battery serves as the the the new power source With fewer components in in in an an an an EV EV scheduled maintenance is less complex Sendok's service centres undergo specific EV EV EV training for CAM CAM Electric Vehicles (CAM EVs) to ensure safety in in in in servicing electric components CAM CAM CAM EV EV also provides a a a a CAM CAM CAM Mobile Service Unit (CMSU) for on-site services ” said Chinli Chia added that only a a a a a a a a a a a a a a biannual maintenance schedule was required mainly on on checking coolant brake fluid and axle oil for for electric electric vans vans due to fewer mechanical parts This efficiency was reflected in in HBCM's electric electric vans vans for for which the main Electric Control Electronics (ECE) components were covered by a a a a a a a war- ranty of up to five years or 120 000km All the the participants in in in in in in the the discussion had exciting plans to bring in in in in in in in new EVs Chia and and Chinli foresaw promising market pros- pects for for for electric vans driven by government incentives and and the higher environmental awareness for for sustainable transportation solutions Razman emphasised the the the pivotal role of of consumer awareness and acceptance in in in the the the growth of of the the the electric van market Ed- ucation campaigns spotlighting benefits like lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact were crucial for higher adoption The corporate sector's embrace of of electric vans could significantly influence market dynamics as the recognition of of economic and environmental advantages by integrating electric vans into their fleets would facilitate market growth 40 truck & bus news 2024/1 The trajectory of Malaysia's electric van market shows a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a delicate balance involving consumer awareness corporate adoption and governmental policies along with the the continuous education cam- paign mentioned earlier This is is crucial as the the transition towards an an an electrified future in in Malaysia not only relies on on on on on technological advancements but depends equally on on on on on fostering a a a a a a a a a a a a a collective un- derstanding of the economic and and and environmental benefits both at at individual and and and organisational levels 马来西亚的电气化进程势头强劲,尤其是电动汽车(EV) 的销量正在快速增长。 据马来西亚汽车公会(MAA)的报告显示,2022年电动汽车销量为 2 2 2 631辆,较2021年增长860%。然而,电动汽车的份额不大,仅 占总销量的0 4%。(2023年电动汽车总销量,包括商用车和混合 动力汽车为38 055辆,比2022年的22 619辆增长69%)。而政府 的目标是到2030年,路上行驶的电动汽车数量达到125 000辆, 其中商业电动车有50 000辆。为了提高采用率,政府开展了一项 激励措施——在2025年12月31日前免除所有电动汽车的路税,并 预计国内市场将在未来几年有进一步增长。 本期的《卡客车新闻》,重点关注马来西亚电气化承诺的一个具 体领域——电动客货车市场。我们与行业参与者,包括Handal Berjaya China Motor高级经理拉兹曼(Razman Elmi Zulkef- li)、信诺集团成员R&A行销私人有限公司高级经理兼EV主管魏 璟俐,以及东风商用车副经理谢康豪,展开富有洞察力的对话。 一同更深入地探讨大马的电动客货车市场并分析该市场的驱动 力、尚未开发的机遇、挑战及未来趋势。 受访者均一致认为,本地电动客货车的销量正逐渐上升。谢康豪 注意到在过去的两年里,这些增长主要来自优先考量环境、社会 和治理(ESG)的公司。这显示了人们对可持续交通解决方案越来 越感兴趣。 魏璟俐和谢康豪将电动客货车需求的不断增长,归因于环保意识 的提高和对ESG标准的遵循。魏璟俐表示,公司选择电动客货车 作为物流用途,旨在减少碳足迹和节省长期运营成本。谢康豪则 注意到一种趋势,那就是有些运输公司为了响应客户对ESG承诺 的要求而将电动客货车纳入他们的车队。 拉兹曼补充说,虽然电动汽车的市场份额正在扩大,特别是在乘 用车领域,但商用电动汽车的增长仍然缓慢,尽管预期会有所回 升。拉兹曼表示,政府的支持,包括免税和充电基础设施,在推 动马来西亚电动汽车的普及方面发挥了重要作用。谢康豪也对此 表示同意,并指出技术的进步,增强了有意减少碳足迹的企业对 电动客货车的吸引力。 询及市场上畅销的电动车品牌,他们有着不同的看法。拉兹曼表 示,特斯拉(Tesla)、现代(Hyundai)、起亚(Kia)、比亚 迪(BTD)、长城(GWM)汽车等外国汽车制造商都是国内的著名 品牌。相比之下,谢康豪指出电动客货车经销商显得格外有限, 其中包括东风小康、CAM、福田(Foton)、鑫源(Shineray)和 海格(Higer)。谢康豪声称,DFSK EC35之所以受欢迎源于其尖 端的功能和有效的营销策略。 魏璟俐则强调产品的引入和时机对公司的市场竞争力至关重要。 她表示,2022年1月,信诺集团推出了首款电动客货车CAM EC35, 作为CAM EV系列的一部分。接着,在2023年11月,推出了更大、 里程更高的电动客货车CAM EA4。她强调售后支持和驾驶员培训的 重要性,因为它们将带来良好的用户体验。 支持电动客货车的行业相当多元化。魏璟俐指出最后一英里配送