Page 10 - TBN-2016-6
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  XCMG Hanvan Launch @ Port Klang
Hong Seng Group Launches XCMG Hanvan Prime Mover
 Penang-based Hong Seng Group launched and handed 11 XCMG Hanvan prime movers to its customers. The ‘Excel- lent Quality, Beyond Value’ themed launch ceremony was held on 11th November, 2016 at its brand new Port Klang branch.
Hong Seng Group Managing Di- rector Dato’ Teoh Hai Hin and Group Chairlady Ong Ah Hua, General Manager of XCMG Au- tomotive Division Luo Donghai and Deputy General Manager of XCMG Import and Export Corpo- ration Hu Xiangyang hosted the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Three XCMG Hanvan prime mover models were launched, these be- ing the 6x4 with 430hp, 4x2 and 6x2 with 375hp. All these models come with two engine options, Wei- chai Power and Cummins. There are also two transmission options, which are Fast and ZF, while the axle is from Han De.
The 11 XCMG Hanvan prime mov- ers were subsequently handed to customers, followed by an MOU signing ceremony with customers who booked new vehicles. Accord- ing to Dato’ Teoh, the company received bookings for 60 units for 2017.
Dato’ Teoh also said that they re- ceived tremendous response to XCMG Hanvan trucks up north where a total 26 bookings were re- ceived during the launch in Hong Seng Group's headquarters on 9th November.
In 2015, Hong Seng Group was ap- pointed XCMG Hanvan’s authorised sole distributor in Malaysia and it provides sales, after-sales service, spare-parts inventory and marketing for this China brand.
 8 truck & bus news 2015/6
以“品质卓群,价值超越”为主题的推介礼。 来
自槟城的丰成集团推介徐工集团(XCMG)的汉风(Hanvan)重型卡车,并 且移交11辆卡车予客户。该公司于2016年11月11日,在巴生港新分行举办
当晚由丰成集团董事经理拿督张海兴、集团主席王亚花、徐工汽车事业部总经理罗东 海、徐工集团进出口副总经理扈向阳主持剪綵仪式。
丰成集团推出了三款汉风重型卡车型号,分别是430马力的6x4,以及375马力的4x2与 6x2。所有的型号皆提供两个引擎选择,分别是潍柴动力(Weichai Power)和康明斯 (Cummins)。此外,尚有两个变速箱选项,分别是法士特(Fast)和采埃孚(ZF), 车桥则来自汉德(Han De)。
在移交11辆汉风重型卡车给客户之后,紧接着是与新订户签署谅解备忘录仪式。根据 拿督张海兴的说法,该公司已经在2017年接收60辆卡车订单。
拿督张海兴表示,徐工汉丰重型卡车获得客户的热烈迴响。自从丰成集团在11月9日正 式推介后,至今已接获26笔订单。
丰成集团是在2015年,被委任为徐工集团在大马的独家代理商,并且为该中国品牌提 供销售、售后、零件库存和营销服务。

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