Page 48 - TNB 2024-1
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Autonomous Trucks: MAN Wins ‘Truck Innovation Award 2024’ 曼恩自动驾驶项目荣获“2024年卡车创新奖” From left: Lukas Walter Senior Vice President Engineering Truck Truck MAN Truck Truck & Bus Andreas Zimmermann Head Head Head of of of Electrics and and Electronics Automation System Amelie Jacquemart- Purson Head Head of of ANITA project project and Sebastian Völl Head Head of of ATLAS-L4 project project MAN Truck Truck Truck & Bus has received the the the ‘Truck Innovation Award 2024’ from the International Truck Truck of the Year jury The commercial vehicle manufacturer was honoured for its research and de- velopment projects in in the field of autono- mous driving - - ANITA and ATLAS-L4 In his laudatory speech jury chairman Gianenrico Griffini representing 25 in- ternational truck trade journalists em- phasised ‘the advanced characteristics of both projects the the contribution to to to hub- to-hub and and intermodal transport automa- tion tion and and the fruitful project cooperation among MAN Truck & Bus logistics pro- 48 truck & bus news 2024/1 viders component suppliers research in- stitutions and public infrastructure opera- tors’ as as essential for the the Truck Innovation Award 2024 to to to to be presented to to to to the the MAN projects ANITA and ATLAS-L4 for auton- omous driving “The award is not only a a a a a a a great honour for ANITA and and ATLAS-L4 and and the partners in- volved It is also an an an acknowledgement of of the achievements of of all its colleagues at at MAN who have been driving driving automated driving driving forward with great expertise and passion for for many years Alongside digi- talisation and CO2-free drives this is is is the the the third key pillar in in the the the transformation to the the the climate friendly safe efficient and intelli- gently networked transport of the future From 2030 the company wants to to offer autonomous trucks in fin series production for transport on on on defined routes between logistics hubs " says Dr Frederik Zohm Executive Board Member for Research and Development at MAN Truck & Bus “In the the ATLAS-L4 project MAN is develop- ing ing autonomous driving on on the the the motorway specifically for the the the the hub-to-hub use case It is using the the the framework of the the the law on on auton- omous driving passed in in in in Germany in in in in 2021 which already allows the use of driverless lorries on on defined routes with technical supervision The company wants to to test a a a a a a a corresponding prototype vehicle on on on the the road by the the end of 2024 " says Sebastian Völl Project Manager Autonomous Driving